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benjoyce 04-28-2004 05:57 AM

Problem with bubbles on ver 2
Hello all. This screen saver is excellent but I’m having trouble with the later versions. Version 1.1 runs perfectly on my pc however, when running ver 2 and 2.1, the majority of the bubbles in the column are frozen with just a very few that move in the background. Is this a known problem? Forgive me if this question has already been asked, I had a look through the posts but couldn’t find it anywhere.

I am using windows 2000 pro on a compaq p3 and the graphics card is a Matrox Millennium G200 AGP, if that’s any help.

Tiny Turtle 04-28-2004 07:24 AM

Hi Ben, and welcome to the forum!

Yes this is a known problem (but no worries for asking it anyway). The thing is that the G200 runs out of video RAM in the later versions (my G200 Mill only had 8MB and experienced the same thing). Possible this specific problem would be solved by adding the 8MB upgrade that was (ok, were) available for this card. I don't think you would find that upgrade any cheaper than a brand new budget video card (we're talking about ~$30-40 for a new card) which would handle the aquarium (as well as other 3D applications) several times better than the G200 does.

Feel free to ask more on the subject (and perhaps update your info with a location so we know which market/currency we're talking about).

/Tiny Matrox

feldon34 04-28-2004 09:17 AM

Your best bet is to turn off the bubbles altogether until the opportunity arises to get a newer video card.

cjmaddy 04-28-2004 10:57 AM

It's strange that people don't give a location, isn't it? - just the country would do!
I have a couple of spare GeForce cards that would be adequate for running the aquarium, - if you're anywhere near! :)

........... And T, - you were correct first time! ;);)


feldon34 04-28-2004 11:06 AM

benjoyce is on your side of the pond.

I will let them elaborate if they wish. :)

benjoyce 04-28-2004 11:27 AM

Thanks for the replies. Upgrading my graphics card isn’t at the top of my list at the moment but at least I now know what’s wrong. Thanks again.

I’m just outside London UK btw.

Tiny Turtle 04-29-2004 02:02 AM

Yeah, I guessed Ben was local given the posting time.

I messed up, – my intent was to write "is (ok, was)" but that sure failed gloriously...

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