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xtefano 09-24-2022 07:15 AM

How to disable "surface wave" effect, I need steady lighting
After all the years still a very impressive product, running well under wine/ubuntu 20.4 focal!

Everything great but ... for a really serene effect on me I'd need to disable the "surface waves" light effect.

Can't find the setting anywhere: How to get a steadily lit image where the only changes are the moving fish?

Or at least speed down the light effect while keeping the fish speed as is

Jim Sachs 09-25-2022 04:24 PM

Sorry, the lightplay is hard-coded. Without it, the tank just seems filled with air instead of water.

Jeremy 10-24-2022 09:06 PM

What lightplay? Am I missing something?

Because of this post I thought I might have an old version installed, so I downloaded and installed what is supposed to be the latest version and I still don't see any lightplay. Please explain.

Ralph 10-25-2022 06:46 AM

In settings, you need to have the setting.. "show fireworks on American Holidays" checked. But for everyday use the "shimmering" light played on the background coral which mimics the effect of light passing down through waves above.

Jeremy 10-25-2022 11:02 AM

Thanks very much for your reply Ralph. I checked all settings and nowhere can I find any reference to "show fireworks on American Holidays," or "shimmering" light display.
Would you please wake me up to the location of these settings by posting a screenshot? Thanks.

Ralph 10-26-2022 06:41 AM

Love to do that Jeremy but I have the Canadian version and American Holidays are not available to me.

Jeremy 10-26-2022 11:02 AM

Thanks Ralph.

Would someone please post a screenshot of the settings?


feldon34 10-26-2022 03:10 PM

Ralph is pulling our leg. There is no fireworks setting in the Aquarium.

The lightplay is the subtle light and shadows effect across all of the coral and the tops of the fish. If it's missing from your Aquarium, then you are seeing a bug.

Jeremy 10-26-2022 07:55 PM

Thanks. Although the light and shadows effect on the coral and fish is hard coded, I nevertheless am checking to find additional settings (like the shimmering lights at the top of the tank in Dream Aquarium).

Jeremy 10-27-2022 10:17 AM

Fireworks in the aquarium on holidays sounds great? I have to find that setting.

Would you please wake me up to the location of these settings by posting a screenshot? Thanks.

Ralph 10-28-2022 06:50 AM

Was just going to respond to your request "Would you please wake me up to the location of these settings by posting a screenshot? Thanks.
With "my" settings screen. :D

Jeremy 10-28-2022 11:25 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Wow Ralph, thank you, I finally did find the fireworks setting after all and I set them to go on every American holiday. But I see that by changing the dates, you can get them to display on Canadian holidays or on any holidays as well! Just hold down the shift key when you tick the setting. Try it.

The Marine Aquarium 3.3 fireworks animation is great! Jim really outdid himself on this one. Here's a screenshot:

drfish 10-28-2022 05:22 PM


Ralph 10-29-2022 06:30 AM


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