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cjmaddy 07-03-2006 06:29 AM

Will SereneScreen Marine Aquarium still be Number One? ...
In the aquarium screen saver stakes, due to the continued progress made by Dream Aquarium, it now appears to me that Marine Aquarium can only be considered joint 'Number one!' ... It is still better in some areas, (one example, fish detail), but less so in others, (fish movement and behaviour). When, however, we come to multi-display, about which so much was said when it was first introduced to MA, then, IMO, MA2.6MD is now a very poor second indeed to Dream Aquarium!

I don't understand, when Prolific have made additional tanks for both Goldfish and Sharks, why some variation can not be added for MA. - And more importantly, why the multi-display is restricted to clones, when DA offers independent choices/settings for the second display. - I know that some of you are going to attempt to shout me down with technical reasons, but come on, guys! - the years are passing, and you are being overtaken by one man working on his own! - There is plenty of room for at least two of you at the top, but at this rate of progress, (or lack of), - you are being left way behind, as the weeks, months, and years, go slipping by!

I still have a great affection and loyalty for MA. - But my current first choice for two monitors is definitely DA.

..... There are times when I wish that Jim was still working independently!

drfish 07-03-2006 07:26 AM

I'll echo what Cliff has said. DA has been my screensaver of choice for a couple months now, ever since the major update to fish behavior and movement. As someone typing this while in a room with five real aquariums I still find it hard to believe just how realistic DA looks in that regard. MA has some serious catch up work to do and I await the new release that will be able to hold its own for more years to come. Until then though...

loub516 07-03-2006 07:53 AM

MA has been at the top so long it didn't need to do anything but that is not true anymore. It's time, no it's way past time, to do something different. It is still a beautiful program but something needs to happen. Years of promises just don't help keep it number one.

clifdene 07-03-2006 10:44 AM

Sorry to say that I have to agree

Jim Sachs 07-03-2006 10:52 AM

Regarding multi-monitor displays - MA is written in DX6 (except for the MS Plus Pack version), and DX6 didn't support Multi-monitor displays. Prolific wrote a kludge so that v2.6 sort of supports two displays.

I'm writing V3 in DX9, and the scene will be very wide, so multi-monitor support shouldn't be a problem, at least not with 2 monitors. Any more than two is still an unknown.

feldon34 07-03-2006 02:09 PM

Is there any light at the end of the tunnel?

Any real collision detection in place?

grape_jellyfish 07-03-2006 03:21 PM

I had never heard of Dream Aquarium till now and Morgan told me about it, I just bought the full version and it is awesome! But my fish may die soon from over feeding. :(

Surferminn 07-03-2006 03:35 PM

ROFL..... :roflmao:

patscarr 07-03-2006 09:46 PM

:sad: Sadly, I have to agree that MA is falling by the wayside while DA is rocketing to the top. But our Forum is still better than theirs! :p :)

MA, our favorite screen saver, is over 6 years old now, that's 1,000,000 in computer years, while DA is a young pup with lots of potential.

Goldfish and Sharks have not reached their full potential yet, but talk of improvements have tapered off.

Hopefully MA3 will eventually be released and reclaim the top spot for our Prolific family.

Jim Sachs 07-04-2006 12:06 AM

Actually, things are moving forward a bit. I finally recieved my hi-def camcorder on the third try. First two companies (Genius Camera and Express Camera) turned out to be PURE EVIL. All I'll say is when buying discounted camera equipment over the Internet, pay close attention to the customer write-ups at I ended up getting the camcorder from B&H - a very reputable dealer.

Now to find just the right coral and invertibrates to photograph.

cjmaddy 07-04-2006 10:02 AM

It isn't only about multi-monitor displays or DX6 limitations. - Having lived with DA for some time now it's difficult to deny that watching MA cloned on two screens does emphasize the pacing back and forth feeling of the MA fish movements. (Beautiful though the fish are). - But even on a single monitor, the variety of tanks, and fish behaviour, afforded by the competition (even Goldfish and Sharks, but mainly DA), is now showing our favorite MA in a poor light.

If I have got my estimations right, it is now over 4 years since what will be V3 (ie the 3D background), was first mooted. I know it is pointless asking for even the vaguest of ETAs, - but the natives are getting restless, - And from the above comments, it isn't just me!

In some ways I think I would prefer to be told that what we have now is it! And that MA will receive no further development, - rather than prolong this discussion through more years of promises and waiting! .... Life is too short! - We're getting old! ;)

... However, if that is not going to happen, (at least not yet!), and I don't see Prolific getting their finger out and doing anything to improve the MD implementation, (they're still advertising the DVD !!! - the same one that was a discontinued item when I bought it on the 16th December 2003 !!!), - then perhaps all we can look forward to is something in an after life! ;)

... At least this forum does have its moments, on occasions!

clifdene 07-04-2006 10:13 AM

We have been very patient over the past years but for some of us time is running out. Will we ever see V3?

feldon34 07-04-2006 10:52 AM

I wish Jim had mentioned the companies he was considering buying cameras from FIRST so I could look them up on the New York scam electronics company HALL OF SHAME website. At the very least, I would hope before buying electronics online that people would check first.

Racer-X 07-04-2006 04:37 PM

Or That is a good site as well for finding out how sites treat people.

I can only think of three camera stores in New York that have a good reputation - B&H (where I buy most of my stuff), Adorama, and 17th Street Photo.


Jav400 07-04-2006 08:06 PM

Cliff: Finger out of where? ;)

I know that if Jim can get his head wrapped around the new things he is trying to learn we could see something just as innovative as MA was in the beginning. I must agree on the time frames though, it has been quite awhile.

Jim Sachs 07-05-2006 12:36 AM

No, I've given up trying to learn the new stuff, and will be doing the new version "Old School".

Yellow Tang 07-05-2006 01:36 AM

That sounds not too bad to me, go ahead Jim!
It would be a shame if all the work done so far was wasted time (there are some things from the freshwater aquarium, wich you can recycle!?).

Jim Sachs 07-05-2006 07:59 AM

Nope, but I still plan to do the Freshwater tank after MA 3.0.

SunKing 07-05-2006 01:52 PM

It makes me a bit sad to admit - but I also must agree with cjmaddy. I've almost completely given up hope for a new version of SS (MA). I enjoy visiting these forums, and will continue to do so, but IMHO DreamAquarium has eclipsed SS(MA) - especially if you are running dual monitors. Jim, I know you have been working VERY hard over the years and it must be frustrating to put in so much effort and have so little to show for it. I also appreciate how available you are through these forums - so please don't take any of this as a personal 'slam' - I'm just expressing my opinions as an impartial observer and simulated acquarium enthusiast.

peachyza 07-06-2006 09:24 AM

I have a little bit different perspective. :rolleyes: I love both DA and MA. I have them setup under the Carousel program so that they are constantly rotating. When we just had Jim's aquarium, it seemed at times that there were long periods of waiting for an update, but when the updates came, they usually beat expectations. Now we have two aquariums that are both very high quality. Alan's aquarium is quickly growing and developing which gives me something to look forward to each day, and at the same time, it keeps me occupied while I wait for Jim's masterpiece to be completed. In short, I am happy waiting on Jim's work because I know it will be excellent when it is done, and to help alleviate the pain of waiting, I have Alan's screensaver to keep me inspired with the ever-changing fish aquarium genre of screensavers.

Great work Jim and keep pushing forward! :TU:

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