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patscarr 04-05-2002 10:35 PM

With all the different serene screen savers planned, it's a little confusing for me to follow along. I know Jim doesn't like to give release dates, (I'm not asking for that), as problems arise and they are always pushed back or whatever, but could we get some kind of timeline as to what he is working on now, will be working on next and hopes to get to after that?

So far, I think it goes like this...

upgrade to DirectX7
Freshwater Aquarium
Saltwater Aquarium 3D background
Butterfly Garden
Saltwater Aquarium creature package 1 and 2
Bird Sanctuary

Is that about right?

patscarr 04-07-2002 06:24 AM

Not even close? hahaha! :) Figures.

Yellow Tang 04-08-2002 03:30 AM

I hope he will finish the (saltwater) 3D background first, but who knows? Anyone knows if the freshwater version comes with a 3D background? Then I would agree with your list.

feldon34 04-08-2002 03:46 AM

Freshwater with flat background.
Then 3D background for the saltwater aquarium.
Then saltwater aquarium creature pack 1.
Then either Butterfly Garden or saltwater aquarium creature pack 2.

Jim Sachs 04-11-2002 10:13 PM

Greetings from the Bahamas! Wow - I'm gone for a few days and things really change around here.

Patscarr - Your timeline is roughly what I have planned (subject to change at any time).

feldon34 04-12-2002 12:13 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Jim, may I recommend a new avatar image? :)

patscarr 04-12-2002 03:33 AM

What is that? A Mai Tai or a Sex On The Beach? Jim looks like a Virgin Mary kind of guy to me. :) Hahaha!

Jim Sachs 04-12-2002 09:13 AM

Iced tea is about the strongest thing I drink, and even that keeps me awake al night.

feldon34 04-12-2002 11:31 AM

Supposed to be a strawberry daquiri, with or without. :)

Lightfeather 04-12-2002 02:32 PM

Mmmmmmm. Daquiri... *drool*

patscarr 04-16-2002 04:43 AM

Jim, will the freshwater aquarium come with the 3d background right away or later on like the marine aquarium?

feldon34 04-16-2002 08:56 AM

I don't know that a 3D background is even planned for the freshwater Aquarium.

Jim Sachs 04-16-2002 06:55 PM

Eventually the Freshwater Aquarium will need a 3D background, but that would be after the Marine Aquarium gets one.

Digital Lungfish 04-17-2002 11:52 AM


So then what type of place holder art will the freshwater tank get for it's 2D background until the 3D one is implimented? I would invision a nature scene with wood, rocks, and plants and a colored back drop (similar to the salt tank) which changes color depending on the current light setting.

Just do us one favor (please!), don't make any of the art resemble that cheezy tin foil stuff that comes in roles at your local pet shop. :D

- DL

Did you ever notice how strange it is that the toys we place in our freshwater tanks (scuba divers, treasure chests, sunken ships), never appear in a saltwater tank and yet they're all based on things that would appear in the ocean? Talk about backwards. :) Not that I would want those same toys in the salt tank, but it's just kind of ironic is all.

IXNAY 04-17-2002 12:17 PM

Can somebody give me features of the butteflygarden, don't know anything about it. I just need some info. What is in my mind until now is: "some plants and a lot of butterflys" hmmm not very exciting I think so please give me info to change my mind ;)

*dreaming of the terrarium*

Tiny Turtle 04-17-2002 12:22 PM

Some of us never bother to put the toys/crap/whatever in our freshwatertanks in the first place. Perhaps it's as easy as when you are deep enough into this hobby that you are willing to spend the time and money needed for a marine aquarium, you don't want to desecrate it with such things, while some freshwater people still are on a lighter level...

If any of you guys like this kind of stuff in the tanks, please explain why. (just curious over here)

feldon34 04-17-2002 01:18 PM

What's wrong with plants and butterflies?

There will be a praying mantis and caterpillars, but no violence. The butterflies will escape just as the mantis is snapping at them.

Jav400 04-17-2002 01:38 PM

As far as that treasure chest and sunken ships and such, they won't work in a salt tank, at least not for long. There are several reasons why you shouldn't put them in there. In the first place, if they have any metal parts, the salt will eat them up, not to mention that they will contaiminate your tank. Also, even if they don't, eventually the salt would gum up the works and they would just stop working anyway.

Digital Lungfish 04-18-2002 01:24 AM


they won't work in a salt tank, at least not for long
Oh I wasn't suggesting that they would work in a salt tank by any means, I just thought it was strangely ironic is all. Besides, I would never use any of those toys in one of my tanks, fresh or salt. I prefer that each of my tanks simulates a natural setting, nothing surreal.

However, since we do have a contingent of people on each side (those who prefer toys, and those who do not), it would probably be a really good idea to make the toys a user selectable option in the Freshwater Settings.

The only other thing to take into consideration is the placement of the toys within the tank. Obviously we wouldn't want users to be able to place the toys where ever they want. If we did, then we would probably run into a slew of collision issues (geometry going through other geometry, etc.). So the best solution would probably be to have predetermined locations for the toys to appear and include a set of On/Off toggles for each toy in the Settings page. Also, since some or all of these toys are likely to use bubble columns or some kind of bubble release effect, those specific toys will need a seperate On/Off toggle for the bubbles as well.

What do you think Jim?

- DL

IXNAY 04-19-2002 06:38 AM

Hey feldon, didn't knew that there will be other insects, mantis' sound cool. Are there any other insects planed?

Yes Lungfish, I agree it would be better if they are optional, maybe a list of them would be cool or a "put in a random ornament" function. For the people eich don't like ornaments there could be a stone or a piece of wood,...

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