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ajlaban 04-06-2001 04:47 PM

Preferred Complement of Fish in Tank
Hi Folks,

Here is an idea that can occupy us while Jim is away.

Whoever wants to join in can list the fish that he/she most likes to display in the aquarium. While this is, of course, a matter of taste ultimately, on the practical level it could give Jim some indirect help in his decision making, particularly if you care to give any reasons.

Well, looks like since it is my idea, I have to go first.

Fish 1 - Addis Butterfly
Fish 2 - Clown Trigger
Fish 3 - French Angel
Fish 4 - Picasso Trigger
Fish 5 - Powder Blue Tang
Fish 6 - Percula Clown
Fish 7 - Percula Clown

Reasons: I prefer brightly and sharply marked fish, it is the reason I switched, long ago from freshwater to saltwater tanks. Some of the available selections, i.e. the Whimplefish, the Flame Angel, the juvenile Queen Angel and the Royal Gramma too closely resemble some freshwater fish in shape, coloration (although brighter) or markings. As for the rest: Copperbanded Butterfly, Forceps Butterfly, Golden Butterfly, Purple Tang, and Yellow Tang -- well, there is just not enough room in the Aquarium!

I display 2 Percula Clowns (it was 3 before the Picasso Trigger) I would like to display 4 or more. Sometimes I set the Aquarium to 6 Percula Clowns and 1 Random. In the future, when and if Jim allows us to exclude certain fish from the random settings I will probably set 4 to random.

04-06-2001 11:03 PM

my setup
my setup: flame angel, percula_clownfish, powder_blue_tang,addis_butterfltfish,wimplefish,qu eenangel and copperbaneded_butterflyfish

Pyros9 04-07-2001 03:56 PM

And Mine......
I usually run the tank with two Clown Trigger fish and the rest Percula Clownfish. What can I say, I like clowns. :-}

Puffy 04-07-2001 05:57 PM

Re: Preferred Complement of Fish in Tank
I have all seven fish set to Random. It is never the same and I am always surprised as to the fish and mix of fish. :)


hooters 04-07-2001 08:31 PM

Re: Preferred Complement of Fish in Tank
Here's My setup list
1.~Flame Angel -never thought ide ever let him swim till the new make-over
2.~Regal Tang -love the contrast
3.~Purple Tang -awesome -now ick free
4.~Picasso trigger -
5.~Percula Clown -what can i say this little baby rocks
6.~French Angel -looks great with my all black background
7.~Clown Trigger -The Boss

thats them for now till i let all my little clowns swim free .

asprague 04-07-2001 08:36 PM

Re: Preferred Complement of Fish in Tank
I agree with you. Best to set them all to random. I like the mix and groupings.

Sharkbait 04-08-2001 09:56 PM

Re: Preferred Complement of Fish in Tank
Royal Gamma
Regal Tang
Powder Blue Tang
Flame Angel
Clown Triggerfish
Picasso Triggerfish

Nuff Said :p

Jim Sachs 04-09-2001 12:03 AM

Re: Preferred Complement of Fish in Tank
I'm quite surprised by many people's preferences. I consider the Addis Butterfly almost hopeless, and the Percula Clownfish has a very long way to go before I'll consider it finished.

Regarding the Picasso Trigger, the coloring is an exact representaion from 3 different pictures, as well as about a dozen 4-inch specimens which I observed first-hand. I agree that it looks fairly pale, and if I get some evidence that another color scheme is just as common, I'll change it.

feldon34 04-09-2001 12:48 AM

Re: Preferred Complement of Fish in Tank

How's the beach? :cool: :cool: ;)

With the new Flame Angel and brightened Forceps, I leave all 7 on RANDOM now. I am looking forward to the "Duplicate Random Block" feature of course, but I can deal. :)

My favorite fish are:

Clown Trigger
Addis Butterfly
Percula Clown
Regal Tang
Flame Angel
Queen Angel


French Angel
Powder-blue Tang

Tiny Turtle 04-09-2001 05:44 AM

Re: Preferred Complement of Fish in Tank
Copperband Butterfly
Forceps Butterfly (looks much better now)
Flame Angel (Looks great now!)
French Angel
Regal Tang (Easily the best looking tang)
Clown Trigger (You can't run the aquarium without this guy, right?)

The Pecula (or any other clownfish) would be a great addition, but I'm saving that for when he (she?) has an anemone to play in...

codgio 04-10-2001 07:46 AM

Re: Preferred Complement of Fish in Tank
I usually just have a random mix, but sometimes set up something like this.

6 wimple fish, 1 flame angel (since new colouring)
6 Yellow Tangs, 1 french Angel ( or vice versa )

I like the splash of vibrant colour against the contrast of the bold black and white of the wimple

Yellow Tang 02-18-2002 11:41 AM

This is my list:

Yellow Tang
Clown Trigger
Powder Blue Tang
OFF - reserved for the Lionfish!!!

Conga 33L 02-18-2002 01:27 PM

Re: Preferred Fish in Tank

Originally posted by codgio

I like the splash of vibrant colour against the contrast of the bold black and white of the wimple

/me also likes the



FishyBusiness 02-18-2002 01:40 PM

Wow! A blast from the past or should I say, A thread from the past. :D Some one has done a good job diggin throuth the forum, Yellow Tang.

Although, I remember never posting my preferences so here it goes.

Copper-Banded Butterfly
Forceps Butterfly
Powder Blue Tang (because Elena likes it)
Purple Sailfin Tang
Regal Angel
Yellow Tang
Clown Triggerfish

Out of all of them, I like the Yellow Tang the best. Why? Because the texture/skin looks like the best on that fish when compared with others. It even has what looks like a vien running down the side of it. BTW, I have seen the Forceps Butterfly at a Aquarium in San Diego. Jim's Forceps looks EXACTLY like the real thing!

Kerry 02-18-2002 02:22 PM

I have my aquarium set to the flame angel, and the rest random. The flame angel is my favorite!

:D :TU:

lancensign 02-18-2002 04:26 PM

The following has pretty much been my setup ever since I purchased the aquarium:

2 Flame Angels
2 Blue Damsels
1 Percula Clownfish
2 Random

I always have the Flame Angels and the Blue Damsels because I like the way in which their respective colors offset one another. I have the Clownfish because, well, I just think it's cute.

Of course, this setup will be changing within the next few days.

codgio 02-18-2002 05:40 PM

I've changed my preferences a bit since I last posted to this thread. Now I tend to go for something like this:

Copperband Butterfly fish (my current fav. )
A yellow Tang
2 Blue Damsels
2 Random
And of course the starfish

Unfortunately the random choices mean I sometimes get the Triggers or the forceps fish. Nothing against Jim's creations. I just never really thought these were the nicest looking fish, even the ones I've seen in real life

JPichat 02-18-2002 06:33 PM

Re: Preferred Fish in Tank
Past Salt Water tank owner and new to this forum (and SereneScreen)!

Really enjoyed seeing everyones choices.

These are mine:

1. Clown Trigger
2. Percula Clown
3. Koran Angel (Surpised I haven't seen it above.)
4. Powder Blue tang.
5. Wimplefish
6. Purple tang
7. Flame Angel.

Mainly because I had them all at one time or another and these were my favorites. I had the sea apples too, and think it would pretty cool if they moved acorss the glass like the starfish does. (but I can wait.)



FishyBusiness 02-19-2002 01:58 AM


With regards to the Koran. The Koran was added reletively recently. Some of these post are kind of old.

The moderator, Feldon23, is probably running the Koran now since the time that he posted his messege.

I wish more people would post this info. I think it's neat to see what everyone is doing with the fish.

Feldon23 or Jav400, Maybe you should make this a sticky topic?

patscarr 02-19-2002 02:39 AM

Mine are all set to RANDOM. They are all so beautifully designed, and I would miss the others by only looking at the same 7 all the time.

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