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James 02-23-2002 08:29 PM

About the future creature package
I remember someone already asked about this somewhere in this forum,but I can't find the thread,(is it in the wishlist thread? I only found some post are similar but not exactly what I'm looking for)

I know the coral shrimp is going to be the first one to create after Jim finished the 3D background, and I remember that Jim said there are two more special creature will come up, and the first one is coral shrimp, then what's the second one?.....don't quite remember though :P

and what kind of special creature will Jim create in the add-on creature package?(those are not included in the stander upgrade)....and how much will it cost?
I'm willing to pay whatever the price is but just wanna get a picture of the amount as well as the species....:)

and will Jim release something like "add-on feature package"? suck as ability to feed the fish and tapping the glass,is it going to be free upgrade or in the add-on feature package?

if someone knows where the exact thread about this, please tell me the link so don't trouble to answer here again.....

Jav400 02-23-2002 10:14 PM


The more difficult fish include a Mandarin Gobi, Pufferfish, Cleaner Wrasse, and Lionfish. The invertebrates include a Starfish, Banded Coral Shrimp, Sea Anemone w/ Clownfish, Zebra Eel, Ribbon Eel, Jellyfish, Crab, Lobster, Shark, Nudibranchs (sea slugs), and finally an Octopus.

Jim has mentioned wanting to try and release 2 specialty creature add-on packages that will contain these species. I'm not sure if he has actually taken the time to deceide which creatures will be in which package, or which ones will come first.

The tapping on the glass and feeding the fish, along with personalities for the different fish will be added after the 3D background goes into place. There are several things that will be added along these lines.

Enigma 02-23-2002 10:21 PM

Okay, I admit it, I'm NOT an expert on marine biology. This screensaver is the only sea "life" I expect to have in my home.

What, exactly, is a Sea Anemone and what does it have to with a clown fish?

Has anyone got a picture they can post to give me an idea?


Jav400 02-23-2002 10:31 PM

Clownfish have a symbiotic relationship with anemones. Alot of anemones eat fish or are poisonous and fish stay away from them. The Percula clownfish is the exception to the rule. They will choose an anemone as a home and usually not stray to far from it. If they get threatened by a larger fish, they can hide in the anemone, or alot of the time you will see one "wallowing" around in one. For some photos look here

Enigma 02-23-2002 10:34 PM

Very cool.

Thanks, Jav! I feel a bit smarter now.

I can see how that would be a great addition to the screen saver.

James 02-24-2002 01:09 AM

Many thanks to Jav!:TU:
now I got the picture....:)

and what about the price of the package?
not yet decided?
and is the feeding, tapping feature are for free upgrade?

finaly, Jim, what's your second critter after the Banded Coral Shrimp.....cause you've mentioned about you're gonna realse two critter right after 3D background, and u only state the Banded Coral Shrimp so I wonder what's another one?

humm.....I think no matter what...I'll buy all those matter how long I should wait.....:)

Jim Sachs 02-24-2002 01:13 AM

We're still discussing it, but the creature packs will probably be around $10, and contain about 6 or 7 animals.

James 02-24-2002 05:39 AM

Jim, that's a very reasonable price...yet very cheap....
I'll definetly pay for it....:TU:

hum.....just wonder will u keep on improving the Aquarium after those two critter package or will u switch to the creation of Butterfly Garden?
or both?:confused:

Jim Sachs 02-24-2002 10:07 AM

I will continue to improve the Aquarium long after I start on the next SereneScreen program.

patscarr 02-24-2002 11:17 AM

I know we have lots of time before the first creature pack comes out, and I know Jim will of course have the final decision on which 6 or 7 animals will come in that, but couldn't one of our moderators (Feldon? Jav?) get an informal poll started about which animals (from the wishlist or other) we'd like to see in that first creature pack? We've got polls for lots of other things and this would give us something to look forward to over the next few months. I think most members would enjoy voicing their opinion on this topic. I have mentioned this before but nobody replied.

feldon34 02-24-2002 11:38 AM

Jim is doing these:

Mandarin Gobi
Banded Coral Shrimp
Sea Anemone w/ Clownfish
Zebra Moray Eel
Ribbon Eel
Hermit Crab
Nudibranchs (sea slugs)

Jim might do these:

Cleaner Wrasse

If you've got other ideas, you're encouraged to post them here or under the Wishlist. :)

The_Thrill 02-24-2002 11:45 AM

That would be fun to vote for what comes out, but over a year ago when I was downloading this every month I enjoyed not knowing what fish was next. It was always a lot of fun to open the .exe and see what was my new suprise! Just my oppinion but I think I would rather not know what is in the release packs. :cool:

The_Thrill 02-24-2002 11:55 AM

Another two quick questions: Are the Bangai Cardinals still on the books? and Can somebody give me a link for a picture of Cleaner Wrasse? I checked the wishlist and I am not sure what exactly one is. I guess i should add my vote for the Niger Blue Trigger. I never really heard much about it but I think it is a beautiful fish, and should definitely put to shame that joke of a fish in the microsoft screensaver. ( If my memory serves me correctly)

feldon34 02-24-2002 12:55 PM

He still wants to do a school of Banggai Cardinals. He has to make a new fish model with extra geometry (3D points) to handle its extra complexity.

Jim will definately wait until after the 3D Background. The 3D background will have a completely rewritten fish avoidance and so a school of Banggais will be much easier to handle.

You see, right now the Aquarium is on two planes.

The fish can either be on the Front layer or the Back layer, or they can be in transition between the two layers. Also, the tank isn't very deep.

In the 3D background version, there will be either several layers of depth, or unlimited resolution of depth. This is so fish can freely roam without having to struggle so much to swim around each other as they do now. Jim has done an excellent job masking this limitation, but you can't do eels and jellyfish with a 2 layer "short tank" setup the way it is now.

albrt 02-24-2002 04:41 PM

re background
Any ideas when the 3D background might be released??

Tiny Turtle 02-24-2002 04:44 PM

Albrt, my first post in this thread might be of help...

Tiny Repetition

Oops! Of course I'm answering Albrt, Sorry about that, James!

James 02-24-2002 05:13 PM


that's a good idea to vote on critters.....I support you
it's just only a vote and after all the final decision is on Jim,
the poll might help Jim a bit to know which critter is most wanted
among the wishlist and the second and third and so on...

Morgan or Jav
How bout setting one up as patscarr said?

The Thrill

yeah.....been mysterious is always great surprise to everyone,
but after all, u still wanna add your vote for the Niger Blue Trigger right?:)

Tiny Turtle

r u actually answering albrt? :)

oh btw,is the 3D background free upgrade or ?
if it'll be free upgrade, Jim you are so kind to all of us!!!

Jav400 02-24-2002 06:35 PM

The 3D background has always been planned to be an upgrade. Jim is working on it now.

Jim Sachs 02-24-2002 07:47 PM

Ha, Ha - Morgan, it would have taken me all day to come up with a graphic that illustrates the 2D problem so well. You're too much.

Socrates 02-24-2002 08:05 PM

Did the stereo glasses problem ever get resolved???

I am going to buy some glasses when the 3d background comes out, and I am sure I'll be using XP by then.

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