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engelens 01-27-2009 06:59 AM

Could not find any compatible Direct3D Devices
The following message is displayed in the display properties- screen saver : Could not find any compatible Direct3D Devices.
This happens in the following circumstances: Open the display properties- screen saver. MA is running in the little screen. Click preview, enter testfish. MA is running. Put the computer to sleep while MA is running (in my case, close the laptop lid). Wake up the computer. MA is no longer running.The display properties-screen saver no longer shows MA in the little screen but displays the message mentioned above.
This is only the case when MA is running while putting the computer to sleep.
I run XP and beta 8k.
This might be an XP issue and is not hampering functionality, but I mention it anyway in case this is interesting to you.

Highlander 01-27-2009 08:55 AM

i had this one too , and i had spyware.

Try to run Malwarebytes that solved the problem with me :)

Succes and let us know

engelens 01-27-2009 09:33 AM

No spyware...
Just ran Malwarebytes, no spyware found...

Nicki 01-27-2009 12:21 PM

Thanks Highlander , I've been looking for a good anti malware program for a while now .

Edgar 01-27-2009 01:26 PM

Does anybody else have this problem?

CodeMonkey 01-27-2009 01:48 PM

Latest beta on Windows 7 and I get the "Could not find any compatible Direct3D devices." error.

CodeMonkey 01-27-2009 01:52 PM

I just got it on Windows 7.

Highlander 01-27-2009 02:43 PM


Originally Posted by Butters (Post 109780)
Thanks Highlander , I've been looking for a good anti malware program for a while now .

ur welcome

Jim Sachs 01-27-2009 02:57 PM

Could you explain the steps to reproduce this? Someone reported this in another thread, but in that case it only happened after the computer had gone into sleep mode, and then tried to go back into screensaving mode.

Dale 01-31-2009 03:04 PM

What is being tested, to determine when to display the "Could not find any compatible Direct3D devices" dialog box?

I have a computer that, with dxdiag, in the "Test Direct3D" section, passes all of the Direct3D 7, 8, and 9 tests. All tests successful.

However, MA3Beta8k insists (when trying to select MarineAquarium3 as a screensaver) on giving me the "Could not find any compatible Direct3D devices" dialog box?

Jim Sachs 01-31-2009 03:08 PM

Unless I can reproduce the bug, there's little chance of my being able to fix it.

Dale 01-31-2009 03:29 PM


Originally Posted by Jim Sachs (Post 110165)
Unless I can reproduce the bug, there's little chance of my being able to fix it.

Assuming that was a response to my "what is being tested" question - I can certainly ship the computer to you, if that's needed.

I can tell you it's running Intel 82810 graphics (yes, it's old) and dxdiag says it passes all tests (and yes, I can see the dxdiag rotating cubes).

The problem also shows up some things that I think are "bugs" (or suggested improvements), but I thought I would ask the simple question first.

Perhaps Prolific wrote the piece of code that tests for Direct3D device compatibility.

Jim Sachs 01-31-2009 05:32 PM

Actually, that's Microsoft boilerplate code. Don't go shipping any computers - I barely have room to walk around here now.

Did you say that it only happens with Beta8k, and not previous versions?

Dale 01-31-2009 05:39 PM


Originally Posted by Jim Sachs (Post 109793)
Could you explain the steps to reproduce this? Someone reported this in another thread, but in that case it only happened after the computer had gone into sleep mode, and then tried to go back into screensaving mode.

Oh, sorry - I misread your comment. Here are the steps.

On the system in question, ONE of the ways to reproduce it is:
Conditions: MarineAquarium3 is *NOT* the current default screensaver.
Riught-click on desktop, go to Properties, go to Screensaver tab, scroll through the list and click on MarineAquarium3. [It's not necessary to click on Apply].

The mini-preview shows as completely black, and the previously-mentioned dialog box appears.

Clicking OK clears out the dialog box, of course.

Hope that helps. As I recall, I ran into one or two other repeatable things that will make the dialog box appear. I can try to re-discover them, if that would be useful.

Oh, I think that dialog box also appeared at the very end of the installation process, when the installation asks "do you want to make this the default screensaver" (or whatever the question is). That's not easy to recreate (although possible).

Dale 01-31-2009 05:44 PM


Originally Posted by Jim Sachs (Post 110184)
Actually, that's Microsoft boilerplate code. Don't go shipping any computers - I barely have room to walk around here now.

Did you say that it only happens with Beta8k, and not previous versions?

It's the Installer version I just bought. I thought I would first install it on a "spare" computer that had never been touched by MA3Beta-anything. It's WXP-Pro, and had (has) MA2.6 installed.

Gotta run - more later.

Edgar 01-31-2009 05:45 PM

Are you able to run the screensaver(MA3) on that machine without errors?
Does it always get the error?
What is machine's spec?

Jim Sachs 01-31-2009 05:52 PM

The right-click-installation feature (it's a Windows thing, not ours) has an annoying characteristic. Even though you have right-clicked on the copy that you wish to deal with, Windows looks through its list of known screensavers (usually in the System32 directory) for a local copy of the same program. The name that it uses is the internal name, not the filename. If it finds a match, it runs that copy, NOT the one you clicked on.

So, when testing a new version, it's important remove all old versions in the system32 drawer (or wherever your OS likes to keep screensavers). I'm not sure if this is what's happening here, but it is a feature of Windows which makes it very difficult to tell if something has been fixed because you never know exactly which copy is running. This only applies to right-clicking the file -- if you double-click the file, then that's the copy that will run.

Dale 01-31-2009 09:33 PM


Originally Posted by Jim Sachs (Post 110188)
The right-click-installation feature (it's a Windows thing, not ours) has an annoying characteristic. Even though you have right-clicked on the copy that you wish to deal with, Windows looks through its list of known screensavers (usually in the System32 directory) for a local copy of the same program. The name that it uses is the internal name, not the filename. If it finds a match, it runs that copy, NOT the one you clicked on.

So, when testing a new version, it's important remove all old versions in the system32 drawer (or wherever your OS likes to keep screensavers). I'm not sure if this is what's happening here, but it is a feature of Windows which makes it very difficult to tell if something has been fixed because you never know exactly which copy is running. This only applies to right-clicking the file -- if you double-click the file, then that's the copy that will run.

OK, let me clear that up first (again).

I didn't do a "right click-installation". I downloaded the .exe from SereneScreen, and ran it.

I chose this machine to test first, because it had NEVER had MA3 on it before. Just MA2.6. And it had been sitting on a shelf for about 2 months, so I had to (chose to) do a bunch of Windows and Office updates to it first, and also ran the DirectX9c updater to make sure that was up to date.

Also, before I ran the MA3 installer, I ran dxdiag (which is, of course, a Microsoft test program) to check for Direct3D function and verify that I truly had version 9c.

As I said, the computer passed all tests for Direct3D functionality (7, 8, and 9) - visually displaying the rotating cube reasonably well.

The system is a Compaq Presario 5BW250, latest BIOS and video chipset drivers from Compaq, Celeron 700 processor (yeah, I know the spec is Pentium 800 minimum). i810E (82810E) chipset, 512 MB memory.

I understand that this system is wimpy and I didn't expect great performance. Jerky movements, etc., would be expected.

But in addition to testing the installer, I thought I would test the current MA3 on a machine that was at essentially the lower limit of the specified requirements.

Another issue would be, how would some "plain user" determine if his/her machine would run MA3. [Yes, I recognize that the SereneScreen site "encourages" downloading the trial version, etc. But it's common to just ignore that when somebody says "Hey, this is great, you should buy it". Or you get it as a gift.]

That last bit would be a different topic, for another day.

Jim Sachs 01-31-2009 09:47 PM

Sorry, I read "Right-click on the desktop" as "Right-click on the icon". It's been a long 72 hours - getting these bugs chased down, trying to implement the clock/calendar/logo system, and creating the new website.

That system might be off the bottom end of the chart, but I've got a weak old Sony Vaio that still runs MA3 at about 20 FPS. How much video RAM does your card have?

Dale 01-31-2009 09:52 PM

Please note, for future reference, that I did what I could as an experienced professional, and tested, to determine that the machine "closely" met the minimum specifications. And that I then ran the installer.


Originally Posted by Edgar (Post 110187)
Are you able to run the screensaver(MA3) on that machine without errors?
Does it always get the error?
What is machine's spec?

No, it doesn't run in any mode without errors. When started (by any method) it produces a black screen. That includes clicking on the desktop icon, running "preview", or letting it start as a screensaver. It "does something with a black screen" for about 60 seconds, and then produces the "...has experienced an error and must quit - would you like me to tell Microsoft" box.

HOWEVER - the "could not find any compatible 3D devices" dialog box ONLY appears (as far as I can tell) when it's trying to do the "mini-preview" in the Screensaver tab of Display Properties. And acknowledging (OK) the dialog box allows me to go ahead and set MA3 as the default screensaver.

Relative to the simulation program (Jim's stuff), I suggest the following:

A. If MA3 tries to run, it shouldn't "crash" even if there's no compatible Direct3D device (easy for me to say - perhaps not easy to do). It could, of course, exit with an informative message.

B. If the test for "compatible 3D devices" fails, MA3 should not try to run. [I suspect this implies that the test should be done every time MA3 executes]

C. If the test for "compatible 3D devices" fails at the "screensaver selection" phase, then "apply as default screensaver" should not be allowed (perhaps hard to do?).

Sorry, I recognize that this isn't a fun set of comments.

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