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bugsymcd24 03-07-2004 08:13 AM

Beta Testing sugestion...
I would like to make a sugestion for beta testing if I may, I do beta testing for another company, (games, not screen savers), but this company has a seperate beta board in which we had to sign a contract and send in I.D. proof (no compensation paid, and no guarentee to get a finished copy) and basically swore we would not discuss or share what was being tested to anyone. But as test versions are posted people reply with what works and what does not, and why on thier type of machine. I think that this could work for this group as well, to get a wider range of different machine set ups and types to work out the most bugs to put out the best product release the first time, instead of ( I know this isn't always the case) putting something out that has to be reworked to work for all.

Not just for Sharks, but for all the screen savers....

as I said this just a sugestion..that could work.

feldon34 03-07-2004 08:52 AM

What benefit would such draconian measures give?

bugsymcd24 03-07-2004 09:01 AM

Draconian? That's pretty insulting.... i thought it was pretty clear..

it would help provide a cleaner bug free product on a wider aray of machines.... Lord it was just a sugestion....

Jim Sachs 03-07-2004 10:21 AM

I think what Morgan is asking is what would be gained by making our Beta Boards so strict (contracts, photo ID's, etc.), instead of rather open and free as they are now? We don't mind at all if Beta Testers discuss the program with others, since we do no advertising.

bugsymcd24 03-07-2004 01:18 PM

ok ok..that isn't what was intended, I did not mean for the exact same thing to happen, ..... never mind, the whole idea just flew over y'alls head, I wil just sit back and watch and wait like every one else i guess.

Jim Sachs 03-07-2004 02:18 PM

If you're hinting that you'd like to join the Beta Test forums, talk to Morgan.

bugsymcd24 03-07-2004 05:24 PM

that really wasn't it..just please appologies

Digital Lungfish 03-07-2004 11:34 PM


ok ok..that isn't what was intended, I did not mean for the exact same thing to happen, ..... never mind, the whole idea just flew over y'alls head, I will just sit back and watch and wait like every one else i guess.
Well that was a little harsh don't you think? :confused: While I can't speak for everyone else, I don't believe it flew over my head. I used to do the same thing you're doing at that game company and later served as a test department manager, so I'm pretty sure I might have an idea of where you're coming from. Although it did sound pretty clear as to what you were getting at so I think most of us here understood.

Anyway, it sounds like you're suggesting a more structured approach to beta testing than we do here. Things like the signing of those "contracts" as you referred to them (actually called NDAs aka Non Disclosure Agreements), the use of beta test reports with the PC or game console's specs, recording everything on VHS for visual reference, logging and tracking bugs via a database (local to you're the company or shared online if you're working with a publisher), etc, etc, etc.

Sure our methods on this board are rather loose by comparison, but only because it works fine for the development staff and because they haven't expressed a need for that type of structure as of yet. Now if Jim and/or Prolific should at some point feel the need to request that we do so, then I doubt that would be a problem with the testers. Since Jim has been in this industry a very long time and Prolific knows their stuff too, I'm not concerned and am more than happy to work within their guidelines.

Socrates 03-08-2004 12:29 AM

Some of the methods mentioned would mean there has to be more in it than just a $20 license. Not to be ungrateful, but if beta testing is anything more than using a program a lot and reporting the bugs you find quicly an easily, it turns into a part time job real fast.

feldon34 03-08-2004 01:25 AM

I'm going to close this thread rather than throw bugsymcd24 into the spotlight. I wish I understood what he meant. I thought we were fairly reasonable guys here on the forum (ok, maybe not Cliff :)) but I think since he's decided to stop talking about a topic he started, I'll just close this thread.

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