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rleescott 06-23-2004 08:21 AM

2.0 upgrade damaged v1.0
Hello. I decided to ugrade marine 1.0 to 2.0 and installed the test on w98se pII. I got a black screen with some comment about chipset and other things, so I uninstalledv2.0. Now v1.0 is black and says "no Z buffer. Make sure 3d graphics are enabled". I tried dxdiag and all functions work. Reinstalled v1.0 which was working before the test and no luck. Can you help me get v1.0 back?

Edgar 06-23-2004 10:34 AM

I think the uninstall may not have removed everything. The registry entries must still be there. Try uninstalling V1.0 again.
However I am curious why 2.0 did not work. Can you tell us more info about your system? (video card and memory)

rleescott 06-23-2004 11:24 AM

Thanks for the reply. The Video card is Matrox millw/32meg ram. System ram160. v1 has always worked on this system before the upgrade to 2.0. I would like 2.0 to work also. In the meantime I installed v2.0 on an identical 266pII w/ original motherboard video card and w98se. It worked fine. The system it failed on is identical and supposedly has an upgraded video card, but doesn't seem to support the v2.0.
To get v1.0 working again, what do I do differently than the first time to get a full uninstall? Do you know what the z buffer is and how it relates?

Jav400 06-23-2004 11:30 AM

Download and run the registry cleaner located here
Be advised that this will remove all instances of the aquarium on your machine from the registry.

Tiny Turtle 06-24-2004 01:14 AM

..including the serial number, right? I mean, just so RLeeScott has it handy.

Jav400 06-24-2004 04:13 AM

One would assume that the serial is included in "all"

Tiny Turtle 06-24-2004 05:17 AM

You wrote "all instances" – not "all traces" so I thought a clarification could be in place. Or perhaps I'm misunderstanding (no irony) the English word "instances".

/Tiny Gajin

Jav400 06-24-2004 05:35 AM

I think you are a "Tiny" bit nit picky. Erasing "all" instances is pretty self explainatory. Everything gets erased is pretty much the idea here.

rleescott 06-24-2004 07:36 AM

all of the arguing between you two is unnecessary. There was no uninstall problem afterall. I changed the desktop resolution to 800x600 rather than 1024x768 and everything works including v2.0. apparently no one is aware that z buffer references indicate desk top resolution conflicts.

cjmaddy 06-24-2004 07:52 AM

Sorry they were so obsessed with their differences to answer your z buffer question rleescott. ;)

It's never a bad thing to warn newcomers to this forum/screensaver, that if they have a complete clearout/uninstall, - to make sure first that they know where the serial number/keycode is before they do anything! .... THEY WILL NEED IT!

....... Just my opinion! :)

Jav400 06-24-2004 08:12 AM

no arguing intended. You asked what to do to get a full uninstall in your previous post, not anything about a serial number. My reply was that if you felt you had registry entries left then you could use the reg cleaner to delete all entries in your registry pertaining to the aquarium. Thats about it. Sorry for what you felt was a tangent.

Tiny Turtle 06-27-2004 11:12 AM

I'm sorry too. I'm not saying that rleescott would think or not think this way as I don't know him (or her). I just thought providing extra information could be useful as we sometimes come across users who manage to misinterpret just about every instruction given. As for me not understanding the "all instances" part – I suggested I had possibly misunderstood (and made clear I wasn't ironic) that part. Is that being "obsessed"?

/Tiny Fixation

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