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philosopher 06-26-2010 03:39 PM


I just noticed that there is a wikipedia entry about you. While I'm guessing that you don't care too much about such things, I did notice that the entry has a few BROKEN links to pages about some of your creations including your aquariums.

As a web developer I know that every single link back is important and a broken one is bad. And on a site as large as Wikipedia I think you may want to check out your entry and submit fixed links. Any advertising is good advertising right?

The link is here:

(Please don't ask why I was browsing around wikipedia - I really should be working...

But I do get curious about web searches and related links and you've been selling the aquarium for years, so checking on your search results is actually quite informative both for the search "Jim Sachs" and the aqauriums themselves.)

By the way, I've Been an avid user of your aquarium for quite a few years and always tell people who ask about it that you practically give it away, that yes it will run on their computer without problem, and that they should buy a copy right away. You've given a lot of enjoyment to me and others over the years. Thank you!



feldon34 06-26-2010 07:05 PM

That article sure could use updating and further details including current projects. As the note at the bottom says, it's a stub. Anyone can edit it (even the subject) as long as it doesn't come off as sounding like a press release.

Thanks for bringing this up!

Jim Sachs 06-27-2010 12:08 AM

I noticed the article a few years ago (I don't know who put it up).

As I recall, I tried to fix some links, but couldn't get the changes to "stick". Something about copyrights, and I couldn't get it to believe that I owned the copyright.

hololo 06-30-2010 02:09 AM

In Wikipedia, many managers believe they are the god.
They only believe they have the right to delete or edit the text.

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