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Philidor 08-20-2010 11:09 AM

Fish selections overwriting previous set
Like many people, I expect, I have 16 random fish in the tank.

That works, but it's possible to have assortments other than the default shown on the Fish tab.

Has anyone supplied alternatives? Seems assortments are likely a file with a particular suffix. Would there be any interest in setting up a thread to post alternatives?

Also, are there behaviors unique to certain fish? If so, setting up an assortment based on behaviors could be worthwhile.


feldon34 08-20-2010 11:53 AM

Right now, all the fish have the same basic behavior. It's hoped that some time in the future, behaviors will vary by fish.

JohnWho 08-20-2010 03:25 PM


Originally Posted by Philidor (Post 125529)
Like many people, I expect, I have 16 random fish in the tank.

Hey Philidor -

You can have as many as 30 random fish in the tank.


That works, but it's possible to have assortments other than the default shown on the Fish tab.

You can select which fish will be allowed or not allowed to be chosen in the random selection, too.


Has anyone supplied alternatives? Seems assortments are likely a file with a particular suffix. Would there be any interest in setting up a thread to post alternatives?
Well, since the fish are being selected randomly, I guess this would simply be a matter of which fish certain folks want to remove from the selection process.

For what it is worth, I have one "Fish set" of only blue/bluish fish, another with only yellow/yellowish fish, and another with no bluish or yellowish fish, among others.

I suppose a purist would have Fish sets of only Atlantic or Pacific or Indian Ocean fish since those might normally co-exist. Then there are the docile fish and the agressive fish which might not live together peaceably in an aquarium, etc. Dunno.

It may seem overly simplistic, but - I just like the pretty colors. :)

Zoomama 10-22-2010 11:17 AM

Fish sets & problem
I have set up several fish sets, most according to color, a couple according to location. The set index runs something like this:

blue two

If I click on yellow, I don't see the yellow set. If I click on orange, I see the yellow set. Blue, I see orange. This is making it a bit difficult to organize or adjust these sets. I've tried double clicking; doesn't help.

Jim Sachs 10-23-2010 02:35 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Well, that's odd. Works fine here. Could you post a screen shot of your fish requester? Should look something like this:

JohnWho 10-23-2010 04:12 PM


Originally Posted by Zoomama (Post 127667)
If I click on yellow, I don't see the yellow set. If I click on orange, I see the yellow set. Blue, I see orange. This is making it a bit difficult to organize or adjust these sets. I've tried double clicking; doesn't help.

Hey, Zoomama -
to the board.

It would also be helpful to know what Version of MA you are running.

David 10-24-2010 06:41 PM

I found a bit of a bug that may explain Zoomama's problem. I created a set called Pacific Only (not including the Indian Ocean) with 1 each of 8 different fish. It worked fine. Then I created another set called Pacific 2 and didn't press OK. I then changed the 1 of each fish to 2 of each fish and pressed OK twice. It Worked fine. However when I went back to the fish selection, both Pacific Only and Pacific 2 both had 2 of each fish type. If you don't press OK between typing in the set name and changing the number of fish, then both sets will have the fish in the second set.

I then Created Pacific 3 and without pressing OK changed the fish number to 3 of each. Then pressed OK twice. Pacific 2 and Pacific 3 had 3 of each fish, and Pacific Only had 2 of each fish.

I Created Pacific 4 and without pressing OK changed it to 4 of each fish. Sets Pacific 4 and Pacific 3 had 4 of each. Pacific 2 had 3 of each and Pacific Only had 2 of each.

If someone doesn't press OK between typing in the set name and changing the number of fish, then both sets will have the fish in the second set. A small bug but it could lead to confusion.

Jim Sachs 10-24-2010 07:29 PM

Is anyone else able to duplicate this? I am not. I've tried adding one or several fish sets in between hitting OK, modifying existing sets - every combination I can think of, and I can't fool the program.

JohnWho 10-24-2010 07:30 PM

Ah, looks like current V 3.1:

Go to Fish Settings
Click on "New Set". Do not enter any name.
Click on "Cancel"
Click on OK.
Now, go to Fish Settings again.
You still see the "New Set" blank section waiting for you to type in a name.


1. Select any fish set. (Refer to this as Set #1)
2. Click "New Set"
3. Enter some name for it, but DO NOT press return. (Set #2)
4. Make any change in that set.
5. Click "OK"
6. Look at Set #1 and notice that it will now match Set #2.
Which may be essentially the same as what David is saying.

Dang - one would have hoped that those fish would have eaten this bug or bugs by now.


David 10-24-2010 08:53 PM

When you type in a name for set #2 if you don't finish off the name by pressing return or OK then you end up editing both set #1 and Set #2.

Also I tried typing in a name for set #2, not pressing return or OK, then changing the fish, then renaming it to set #3 and pressing return. There was no set #2 and both set #1 and set #3 had the fish of set #3.

Perhaps what is needed is code that won't let the person proceed until they have pressed return or OK or escape. And escape would cancel the new set, not return it to the menu.

David 10-24-2010 10:30 PM

I tried pressing new set, not entering any text and not pressing return. Then editing the fish, naming the new set and pressing return. Both the old and new set have the fish of the new set.

It seems like it opens the fish of the old set and edits them. Then when the return is pressed to name the new set, it copies the edited old set into the new set. Perhaps that is why they both have the same fish. The new set needs to be fully named and created before anything is edited.

Jim Sachs 10-25-2010 02:15 AM

Ah, I see - it never occurred to me to do anything else when there is an open textbox waiting for input.

I'm not sure if this is worth stopping the presses for. Ending text-entry by pressing Enter has been around since the days of DOS.

JohnWho 10-25-2010 06:58 AM


Originally Posted by Jim Sachs (Post 127728)
Ending text-entry by pressing Enter has been around since the days of DOS.

Or pressing "Tab" to move on (or "shift Tab" to go back) to the next box.

I suspect a great deal of Windows users do not know this.

Shouldn't "clicking" on something else on the screen also close the text-entry?

Jim Sachs 10-25-2010 09:55 AM

On forms which stay the same as you travel from item to item, yes - the feeling is that you could click into any field and enter anything you want. But on a page which obviously opens a new mini-window to accept input for a single editable item, the natural response is to type something, then hit Enter to lock in the entry before moving on. I have to physically force myself to stop typing and touch the mouse before I have hit Enter to close the text session. It just feels so wrong.

JohnWho 10-26-2010 07:38 AM

Log off of this board.

Select "login".

You can type in your name

and then use the mouse to "click" in the password box

where you can type in your password

and then use the mouse to "click" on the "remember me" box"

and then "login".

It appears that each mouse click performs the "enter" function for the Name and Password entry fields.

Even adding a hyperlink in the advanced input reply window of this forum, gives one an obvious "new mini-window to accept input for a single editable item" and does not require one to press the "enter" key (although it does work).

Maybe it feels wrong to us old DOS users, but to many of the not-so-old Windows folks the "mouse click" seems to be the way it is expected to work.

Perhaps not a "stop the presses" problem, but a valid "glitch" and it is good of David to bring it forward.

David 10-26-2010 09:51 AM

Marine Aquarium is a wonderful program which I have enjoyed for many years, and has given me much pleasure.

I think the problem with this glitch is not so much which key or mouse click enters the text, The problem is that the wrong type of input is being used. The way it is now it allows you to roam around the page and edit other things before the text is submitted. Probably what is needed is to open a dialog box which requires the person to complete the entry and close the box before they can go on to edit other things. The box would probably have a text field in it, an enter button and a cancel button. They would type in a set name. Then they would have to either press the enter key on the keyboard or press the OK button on the screen or press a cancel button on the screen or press escape on the keyboard to close the box, before they could go on to edit the fish.

Also the way it is now there doesn't seem to be any way of permanently closing a blank input field. The cancel / escape option shouldn't just return to the menu. it should cancel the text input or new set as well.

I think that would probably solve the problem.

Jim Sachs 10-26-2010 11:00 AM

David - Disabling all other input until the text is finished entering is the best way to go. If I can get the code back from Edgar, I'll add the feature.

JohnWho 10-26-2010 02:46 PM


Originally Posted by David (Post 127766)
Marine Aquarium is a wonderful program which I have enjoyed for many years, and has given me much pleasure.

Me too.


I think the problem with this glitch is not so much which key or mouse click enters the text, The problem is that the wrong type of input is being used. The way it is now it allows you to roam around the page and edit other things before the text is submitted. Probably what is needed is to open a dialog box which requires the person to complete the entry and close the box before they can go on to edit other things. The box would probably have a text field in it, an enter button and a cancel button. They would type in a set name. Then they would have to either press the enter key on the keyboard or press the OK button on the screen or press a cancel button on the screen or press escape on the keyboard to close the box, before they could go on to edit the fish.


Also the way it is now there doesn't seem to be any way of permanently closing a blank input field. The cancel / escape option shouldn't just return to the menu. it should cancel the text input or new set as well.

I think that would probably solve the problem.
As an "end user", David, I appreciate both your concern and your suggestion, and now anticipate Jim's resolution.

With each of these "glitch" finds and corrections, Marine Aquarium becomes an even better experience for all of us.

Jim Sachs 10-26-2010 03:49 PM

I have synced my files with Edgar's, and the next update will have the new method of blocking all other input when typing in fishlist names.

harris 10-27-2010 06:01 AM


Originally Posted by Jim Sachs (Post 127789)
I have synced my files with Edgar's, and the next update will have the new method of blocking all other input when typing in fishlist names.


Does the "next update" include version 3.1 that will eventually replace 3.0 that is currently at prolific's website?

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