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Cobra 05-10-2002 05:44 AM

Desktop Dreamscape

the 3d animated desktop ss-aquarium some users have been asking for should be possible. Something technically similar can be found here:

Beside... when will your great work be published in germany and who will publish it?


Jim Sachs 05-10-2002 08:45 AM

Prolific is talking to a German publisher, but nothing is definite yet.

just some guy 05-10-2002 09:06 AM


feldon34 05-10-2002 10:13 AM

I am not often impressed by screen savers or 3D programs in general.

Holy s***!

That is incredible. I am definitely going to buy DesktopDreamScapes.

Mountainmaster 05-10-2002 10:30 AM

just some guy,
Another link for you:

They say "Plays most screen savers on the desktop", but alas not the aquarium. It might however work with the XP version, because that one uses the preview mode (small monitor in the display settings) which is required for this program to display it on the desktop. I believe I have seen similar programs that also required the preview mode.

I know some time ago you had not figured out how to get the preview mode working in directx 6. It seems not figuring this out is a good way to prevent people from running the aquarium on their desktops. ;)

just some guy 05-10-2002 10:51 AM


Socrates 05-10-2002 11:45 AM

Holy smokes.


feldon34 05-10-2002 06:36 PM



Jim Sachs 05-11-2002 12:08 AM

Morgan - He might have been referring to your comment about not wasting time on the desktop because it is almost never seen anyway. I share your view on this -- once the first app of the morning is launched it's goodbye desktop for 16-20 hours 'til shutdown.

Swede 05-11-2002 03:53 AM

This 3D desktop was really cool! :)
But... I don't know if it's just on my computer; all of those live desktops takes up too big part of the system resources. The startmenu gets slower, aplications twitch, and now and then the live background halts for a moment... (when you open a menu or something.)

If they all worked without disturbing my system, it would be great to have a live desktop, but I have yet to find one... And I agree with Jim; they are really cool to see... but how often do you just sit there and watch it?! :rolleyes:


I am about THIS CLOSE to banning you from the forum.
Morgan, threats written publicly here on the forum doesn't look especially nice... Maybe a private message directly to the person you have an argument with, would be more apropriate? Just a thought. It's not fun to read...

and Just some guy, you said you were gonna drop the subject; please do... sometimes you can't convince people to change their opinion... Just let it be.

James 05-11-2002 06:13 AM

did u read the FAQ of Desktop Dreamscapes ?
I don't notice any slow done on my system but only the Desktop Dreamscapes itslef frezz or become choppy and this is intentional and I don't mind that, the program is same as SETI@Home which receive idle clock of CPU.
here's the quote from its FAQ

- Does Desktop Dreamscapes slow my machine down?

Desktop Dreamscapes is designed not to interfere with or slow down your normal use of your computer. It runs as an idle process, using only CPU time that would otherwise be wasted. It also monitors and releases video resources when another application or game needs use of the video card.

- Sometimes it's running when another application is doing something, will this slow my computer down?

Often times another application will perform a non-CPU intensive task, like loading data from the hard drive. Since the CPU would normally sit idle during this time, Desktop Dreamscapes keeps running, but this does not affect the performance of the other application.

- Desktop Dreamscapes sometimes pauses for several seconds.

This is intentional. Desktop Dreamscapes monitors system activity and will pause and/or release video resources when it detects that another application may soon want them.

Jav400 05-11-2002 07:17 AM



Morgan, threats written publicly here on the forum doesn't look especially nice... Maybe a private message directly to the person you have an argument with, would be more apropriate? Just a thought. It's not fun to read...
He has been asked on numerous occassions, both in public and in private, by Morgan and myself. But there comes a point in time where enough is enough.

IXNAY 05-11-2002 09:07 AM

Kills my PC if I run it :(

Swede 05-11-2002 09:50 AM



Desktop Dreamscapes is designed not to interfere with or slow down your normal use of your computer. It runs as an idle process, using only CPU time that would otherwise be wasted. It also monitors and releases video resources when another application or game needs use of the video card.
What is most anoying, is the irratic mouse pointer I get. It's like it skips every second pixel, instead of moving smothly across the screen. Also, when I move open windows around, it leaves traces, and studders. When I use programs like AutoCad and Photoshop I need a pointer that doesn't jiggle. :)

Call me perfectionist, but I don't wan't my system to suffer in performance, when I have programs running in the background.

-"Interfere, and get uninstalled really fast!" :D

Maybe it's just my grafx card, but I tried different settings on it without any improvement. So soon I will unistall it for the second time. hehe :)

feldon34 05-11-2002 10:46 AM

> I've deleted my comments above <

On most forums, these problems are taken care of in private. Then you have someone who comes out and says it's some conspiracy or censorship or something. I want people to see what's going on publicly.

I know I run an uncharacteristic forum. So far it's served the SereneScreen community pretty well, BUT, I am always open to suggestions. Several fans here on the forum helped me decide on changes to the website, for example. And I have added/changed things on the forum at people's request.

apollo 05-11-2002 10:02 PM

It looks like "just some guy" deleted most, if not all of his former posts. Does this mean he is gone, never to return????

Tiny Turtle 05-12-2002 06:05 AM

Apollo, so it seems. Whether he's gone from here or not, only Tim (Just Some Guy) himself knows. Hopefully he's not, but I guess we'll just have to wait and see, right?


apollo 05-12-2002 06:22 AM

Yeah, Tiny I guess your right..time will tell.. I hope??? Did you notice that their is another person on this forum with the name"some guy"...he doesn't visit here very often but I have seen him on the boards a couple of times..If "just some guy" is gone then we will still be left with "some guy" Sorry if that seems like a bad joke...

feldon34 05-12-2002 09:09 AM

Not particularly funny. Actually, when some guy joined, I was going to suggest a different name since we already have just some guy. *sigh*

I don't want the guy not to post. I just want him to take the requests for a desktop version of the Aquarium off the forum. :( We enjoy all the privileges of being the "official" SereneScreen forum and fan website.

James 05-16-2002 04:59 AM

let me pull back the topic....
I bought DD yesterday and installed all other 6 more scenes...
wa..they looks so great....
and I can localized it myslef by changing the words in the lang.csv file under DD's cool.....

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