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Old 04-13-2008, 09:08 AM   #1543
Jim Sachs
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If MA3 can do music, then it needs to have a default track, which must default to "ON". One tap of the M key turns it off, and the program remembers that setting. The Aquarium's number one problem is the fact that so many people have it. Practically every day I talk to someone who bought the program 7 years ago and asks if I've ever thought of adding something new - those 3 fish look pretty lonely. They are quite surprised to find that there are now 27 fish.

Having the default music softly playing in the background the first time MA3 is started is the best way I can think of to advertise the fact that this is a new version with new features. Sure, people could play a CD or use WinAmp, but 99% don't, and wouldn't know how. They won't make their own playlists in the Aquarium, either, because that would mean using an Explorer-style interface to navigate and find the music, and my average customer can't do that (unless their son or daughter does it for them).
Jim Sachs
Creator of SereneScreen Aquarium
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