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Old 04-14-2008, 08:53 AM   #1552
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Originally posted by Jim Sachs:
.... Cliff - except for one last-minute addition, I didn't choose the testers. ....  
You will be aware that a few of us did not think that was one of your better decisions.

As I have said, I have no problem with having music from a playlist as an option. I would like to have that as a feature. - It is the reasons given for it needing to be the default that I see as suspect. - I had had similar thoughts to Tiny...
ie, The program could easily start up for the first time with a few checkboxes, (like some of those in the current Program Settings panel), which is not uncommon when starting some new programs for the first time. - That would solve the problem, and let first time users know some of what was available, without confusing them too much.

Let's face it, 22:1, (at the last count!), must be telling you something?
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