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Old 04-27-2008, 01:19 AM   #11
Jim Sachs
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I had forgotten that Edgar had put in that slider which could make the frame rate go way too low. The reason for the Limit Frame Rate option is for those computers which run at over 300 FPS, but can overheat in doing so. By limiting the frame rate to something near the refresh rate, a lot of clock cycles become available for other tasks with no visible difference in the Aquarium performance.

Limiting the frame rate is not an exact science. When you skip a frame and give contol to the system, you have no idea when you'll get it back.

I have no idea about a config file or any way of setting a frame rate control which would affect all Direct3D programs. But if it did exist, it might explain a frame rate limit that some of my Alpha testers have experienced.

Regarding your sound problem, sorry - I have never heard of this problem and wouldn't know how to fix it.
Jim Sachs
Creator of SereneScreen Aquarium
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