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Old 05-12-2008, 11:06 PM   #1598
Jim Sachs
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I sent Prolific a test version today, and will follow up with a version for the Alpha testers in a couple of days. I still haven't got the collision-avoidance routine right yet, but I have been making some progress. There is now a fish-resizing routine in place (I almost called it a fish-scaling routine, but thought better of it ). The fish are now 20% bigger, which is probably pretty close to the size they were in MA2.6. I will be able to use this routine when I put in schooling, so that each fish in the school is a slightly different size.

I've also finally got a decent draw-ordering routine working. Before, when a fish passed behind andother fish which was drawn first, it would not show through the transparent fins. Now all the fish are renderend in the proper order, from farthest to nearest.
Jim Sachs
Creator of SereneScreen Aquarium
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