posted by
Jim Sachs:
Actually, the deadline for the release version was yesterday. We're late, but it's not entirely my fault this time. Prolific still has some items to finish up, too.
I've had to rethink my whole collision-avoidance scheme. The better the fish got at avoiding the background, the less realistic their movement was becoming. So, fo the last few nights, I've been walking around my cluttered house with my eyes closed, trying to figure out what mental algorithm I need to use to avoid objects.
The Beta testers are chosen by Morgan from Forum members who have been around for about 8 years.
Hello Jim,
It is good to be back here and able to be a part of another masterpiece of computer animation. I've battled some health issue's and currently feel strong enough to get out and start over with my life. There are many friends I haven't seen in awhile and many things I used to do like being a part of this forum that I want to start up again. I would have loved to be a part of the beta program but unfortunately I still have about two more years to go before I reach 8 years with this forum.
Morgan can put me on the list for the MA4 beta where it goes holographic and requires 1Gb of ram on the video card to run
. Jim, those shots of the background look amazingly realistic compared to the 2D background. It looks like things are coming along very nicely so far. It is definitely going to be a great day when my wife and I get to enjoy the new aquarium on our 50 inch HDTV. It'll definitely be on when guests come over for dinner as I have done many times with the current aquarium. Best of luck and my prayers for you and your team so that all goes well with the completion and launch of MA3.