Thread: Developer Notes
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Old 10-11-2008, 12:30 PM   #1
Jim Sachs
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Developer Notes

I'm getting a lot of the same questions in different threads, so I thought that I'd try to save time by answering them here.

After a wait of 6 years, the Beta version of Marine Aqurium 3 is now available for download. This is a BETA version - it is NOT FINISHED. If you are the type of person who needs a totally bug-free program with everything working and a proper Windows Installer, come back in a few months.

But, if you are the type of person who would have enjoyed wandering through Disneyland while it was still under construction, you are welcome to download and try out this Beta test of MA3. Anyone can download the file. It will expire after 7 days, but new versions will be constantly available to take its place during the Beta test period. If you have a valid MA2.6 Key Code, the Beta will run without a "nag screen". Otherwise, you'll have to type in "Testfish" each time it runs.

From now on, anyone purchasing MA2.6 at will also get a permanent MA3 Key. For those who bought MA2.6 recently, there will be a grace period, which we are still working out.

Release Notes:
1. The fish models are still the old ones from MA1. After the bug reports stop pouring in, I'll be switching these to a new style model with much more realistic behavior, including schooling, darting, chasing, etc.

2. After the fish are done, I will start bringing the background to life, one object at a time. I have extensive plans for every part of the tank, and there is a reason behind virtually everything you see.

3. There is currently no Installer. Just like the Good Old Days, it's just a file, which can be placed anywhere you like on your computer. Uninstall by simply deleting the file. You can set it as your screensaver by right-clicking the icon and choosing "Install". If you want it to show up on your list of screensavers in Display Properties, you'll have to put in the proper drawer for your operating system. It used to be Windows/System32, but that has changed with Vista.

4. Use this Forum to report bugs. Try not to duplicate others' reports (within reason - I know it's a lot to read). Don't bother reporting pass-throughs of the fish between each other or background objects. That section still needs a lot of work.

5. While a few of the Keystroke commands and other features are the same as MA2.6, there are many changes. Just because something was working in previous versions, don't assume it will be working here. For example, the starfish does not yet go on the glass. The old program used DX6, and this one uses DX8/9, and virtually every line of code had to be rewritten.

So, if you'd like to be a part of the construction process, welcome. You can download the program here:
Jim Sachs
Creator of SereneScreen Aquarium
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