Thread: Fixed Bug 3.0 Beta 7 MA3 Beta #1 goes Matrix
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Old 11-30-2008, 12:00 PM   #25
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Rick, - Welcome! - The screen refresh of the secondary monitor on my setup, is something that usually clears itself up after a few moments, and has always been there with my current video card and drivers. But I must admit that it was not as pronounced with my previous card and driver. - I have not noticed any change introduced after downloading and running Beta 7g.

I do think you should try changing over the 'Primary Monitor' to one of your other screens, to see what if any difference it makes. It can and does affect the refresh of the backgrounds on my system, though not always! - I have assumed that this is a video card/driver problem, more than a MA3 bug.

The large drop in FPS for a window covering a part of more than one monitor has been present since MA3 went to multi screens. I've reported on it a number of times in the past. - Most recently here and here for example, and also numerous time during previous testing - I too hope that it can eventually be solved.
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