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Old 02-26-2002, 08:30 AM   #160
Lester Jacobs
Join Date: Feb 2002

Posts: 9
Originally posted by feldon23
Clearly there is a conflict between MusicMatch and the Aquarium.

Have you tried minimizing MusicMatch or disabling any animation it may be attempting while the Aquarium is running?
As I mentioned in my earlier post, MusicMatch is simply an example of a program which causes the flashing problem. I can cause the flashing problem with other programs as well. The characteristic that appears to cause the problem is that another task besides the aquarium is competing for CPU time and somehow this throws off the aquarium timing. I would imagine (and certainly hope) that a P4 1.5Ghz and an ATI Radeon AIW should be plenty enough horsepower to run the aquarium and another program at the same time.

I do not know where the problem is but it is not specific to Musicmatch. However MusicMatch is simply a good example because it is actively doing something reasonably intensive in the background (playing mp3s) while the aquarium runs in the foreground.

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