Thread: Android Version
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Old 06-23-2010, 08:32 AM   #2
Jim Sachs
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Chances are very slim. The iPhone version of MA2.6 was a very easy port for Jim O'Connor's team, since it was an almost direct copy of the Mac code. The whole point of Marine Aquarium is its big, hi-definition picture, so the iPhone's tiny screen never did it justice. Sales picked up greatly once the iPad came out, but it's still questionable whether it was worth the effort. Even after reaching #7 on the iPad Entertainment charts, my share of the sales only bought my dinner each night.

Development costs for an Android version would be very high, since we have no code which could be ported directly, and the user-base will always be only a tiny fraction of the iPhone/iPad base. Not worth the trouble for one or two sales a day.
Jim Sachs
Creator of SereneScreen Aquarium
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