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Old 03-18-2002, 08:29 AM   #1
Join Date: Feb 2002

Location: Melbourne, Australia
Posts: 15
Lionfish vanishing

I've had this problem from day-1 of the new version, but hesitated posting aboutit, since I knew that the Lionfish was a rather slow-moving fish and I know that the fish in the SS can vanish off the edges of the screens for a short distance before turning around.

After realising today that I hadn't seen a Lionfish for ages, I turned on my screensaver, set all 7 fish to "Lionfish", and waited. After 5 minutes, 6 of the Lionfish had vanished, leaving only 1.

Funny thing is, they only vanish at the left side of the screen, never on the right. When they get to the left side, they just swim off the edge, never returning. When the get to the right edge though, the turn around and swim back to the center.

The very last fish, however, does not vanish even if it swims to the edge. Therefore, after about 20 minutes, that Lionfish was still on screen, though the other 6 were no where to be seen.

I tried looking for the registry cleaner on the site, even did a search for it, but only managed to find one for clearing Starfish problems. Morgan, could I have a link to it. I'll try doing a fresh instal of the SS, and see if that clears it up.

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