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Old 04-13-2002, 01:44 PM   #212
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The thing is, with the card I bought, the shelf is about an inch higher than the case's shelf, and it looks impossible for the back part of the card to even fit through the door. Also, the "gold connector stuff" at the bottom of the card, which is obviously what goes into the slot, seems to be too far from the back of the card to fit into the slot even if the card could fit in the door.
Doesn't work that way.

You take off the side of the case, remove the door, insert the card straight into the slot, and then screw the card into where the door used to be. There's no way you could slide this or any card in through the back of your computer!

This seems to make sense now since the AGP slot in the picture is farther away from the back of the case than the PCI.
If you don't see a BROWN slot, you don't have an AGP slot. Period.

White = PCI
Brown = AGP
Black = ISA

So, what I'm guessing is, I got a AGP card when I only have a PCI slot? Does this also tie in to the phenomenon of "card being too tall for door"? Or does that make any sense at all?
Being too tall means nothing. If you look closely, the pins on the AGP card are TOTALLY different from the pins on a PCI card. Even if it were "short enough" there's no way it could work. They speak totally different languages.

I would see something like a "gateway version card" or something to that effect being offered for sale. You know, something saying "Here I am, this is the one you need, most others wouldn't work for you!" Seems like you make the most profit by selling something everyone can use, not just a few people.
Actually, I hate when companies do this. Compaq forces you to buy their memory, which costs 3 times that of normal memory.

Everybody needs to use standard components. AGP is a standard component since 1997. PCI is a standard component, but it largely stopped being used for video cards in 1998.

You need to send the AGP card back, beg that they will give you a refund (it's your responsibility to know what's in your computer before you buy replacement parts, sorry man!), and then get a PCI card.
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Last edited by feldon34; 04-13-2002 at 01:48 PM.
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