Thread: Windows mode
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Old 04-29-2002, 03:00 PM   #16
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just some guy said:
and please don't delete or lock this thread as you've done in the past - that only shows that you're scared, threatened or otherwise not willing to hear my discussion on the topic which IS the ENTIRE REASON this forum exists in the first place!

Sure, you could ban me from the board, I guess, but we all know there are ways around that one...
You've just expressed that you will make attempts, if you feel it necessary, to get around a forum ban. That's threatening to break a rule, and it would force me to put the forum on 'approval-only'. Which is a shame because the last time I had to do this, the amount of discussion was cut by 1/3rd.

Tiny Turtle said:
I agree that Mona Lisa comparrison is pretty sucky and I'd like to never see it again.
Jim originally made the comparison between the Aquarium and the Mona Lisa. So you'll have to take it up with him if you disagree.

just some guy said:
Let's not discuss whether or not we can discuss it anymore. That point is mute. Let's discuss why the application should or should not be considered and leave the "corrupting Jim's creation" argument out of it. That is also a mute point.
Actually, the point is NOT moot. Do you really think that little of myself, Michael, Jim, and the others on this forum that you can simply ignore the rules and talk about whatever you want? I have to wonder what they're teaching in schools anymore.

Until the "corrupting Jim's creation" issue changes, this discussion ends here and now.

Jim's opinion on running the Aquarium as a wallpaper hasn't changed since you tried to get this thread going last time ( ).

just some guy said:
I'm not making a big deal out of this - my request is simple.
It's the other garbage thats clouding what should be a very easy thing to accomplish that you can't seem to look through. ...cannot see the forrest for the trees comes to mind.
So now forum rules/guidelines and the wishes of Jim are garbage?

We've had at least 3 other threads about this topic with a dozen or so people asking how to run the Aquarium as a wallpaper. Jim's FINAL statement on the issue can be found here on page 2:

just some guy said:
CAN it be done? (I believe it can) If so, how? It's simple.
Of course it can be done. At least one person has written a loader that makes it work pretty well.

How? Ask on another forum, or start your own. Or try to contact the people who have successfully done it (that's what that Search button at the top is for).

Jav400 said:
Look, we are not trying to be rude to you in the least. But, you are expecting someone, ( Jim ) to spend his valuable time trying to figure out how to do something that you want done, that he never stated would be done in the first place. The bottom line is that Jim is the one who is doing all the work here, and since it is his creation he gets to set the paramaters that the licensed version will contain. In this instance he doesn't agree with your assesment, and chooses not to offer that option in the official version.
Actually, Jim has gone a step further by saying that he does not want to see the Aquarium run as a wallpaper, whether it's a feature added by him or by someone else.

Jav400 said:
Actually, a couple of people have successfully run the Aquarium as a wallpaper, which is what brought up a huge explosion/flamewar last time. Jim came forward and made it clear that because people will run the Aquarium with icons and other crap on top, he does not want the Aquarium run this way or any solutions on how to do it listed HERE. This is official policy. Now, whatever you discuss on some other venue is your business.

just some guy said:
The unaccptable answers were coming from the people that think the IDEA is bad, wrong, and has no merit because it's is their OPINION.
That's not what was said. The fact is, the idea, right or wrong, may not be discussed here. It's policy, not opinion.

This, to me, is very strange - wanting to use a product MORE, in a slightly different way, and having the creator frown on the idea.
Jim has taken a stand. It is certainly very *interesting* to watch, as we have had several people over the last year say that Jim's approach to the Aquarium and other screen savers, aka a very closed system, will be his downfall. So far he's doing pretty well, financially! I guess time will tell. He's made his decision and he seems to be sticking to it. If Jim ever changes his mind about the Aquarium being a closed system, I've got two dozen fish I want to add.

just some guy said:
Why can't the customer be right?
The customer is not always right. If you feel strongly enough about this, you can get a refund here:

I hate when threads like this explode, because it drags down the forum. I know what people want. And I know what Jim wants. Usually they coincide, but there's always that exception...

Does it seem like we are running this forum in a heavy-handed fashion? Possibly. But I've been told that it's a pleasant place that people like to come visit. I've seen some loosely moderated forums that are fun for about 5 minutes. Then you realize when anything goes, it's not an enjoyable place. As unofficial as I might call this site, we are pretty official. SereneScreen tech support refers a LOT of people to my Help page and this Forum. And we are directly linked from the front page of SereneScreen. So I have a responsibility, whether a few disgruntled users like it or not.

The #1 feedback I get from this forum is that people really like that the artist/programmer participates directly and answers questions individually. I am not willing to let things go if we'd lose Jim as an active participant!

If you have a comment about this topic, read this entire thread first:

Then think about what you're writing.
"Journalism is printing what someone else does not want printed. Everything else is public relations." - George Orwell
"If voting changed anything, they'd make it illegal." - Emma Goldman

Last edited by feldon34; 04-29-2002 at 03:06 PM.
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