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Old 05-12-2002, 07:23 PM   #47
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It is by choice that I don't save the starfish position in the custom settings. What if the starfish has crawled to a position the user prefers to the presets? Then he won't be able to change to another custom setting without losing that. Sure, I could make an option "leave starfish alone" but I believe yet another option would make things overly complicated for not so advanced users.I agree that the graphics need some improvement. I'll see what I can do with your image. They also need to be somewhat larger to avoid the current pixel hunting, but that requires recalculating the entire imagemap

As for making the the starfish disappear, I have decided not to do anything that would not normally occur in the aquarium. I do not want to risk jim's disapproval, who - by the way - has been remarkably silent in this thread.
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