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Old 10-14-2001, 06:59 AM   #1
BladeRunner's Avatar
Join Date: Nov 2001

Location: Norwich UK
Posts: 37
More on the Banding, Jim / Feldon Check in please

Ok I tried to save this in a smaller format as a link image but it always added some other form of image degridation. The pic is therefore a link to a 2.2mb bitmap image of the banding I see in the background. (it's 660Kb zipped). I hope the banding is visable to you in the image as I could beat my other half to death when she says she can't see it!. Maybe the banding is just in my eyeballs

<a href=""></a>

I'm currently using this system.

Athlon T-bird 1000Mhz @ 1596Mhz (11 x 145) Water-Cooled
Abit KT7-A Raid (water-cooled Chipset)
256mb Mushkin PC133
5x Maxtor 45+ 15.3 gig 4x in a Raid 0/1 (1x for MP3) soon to be water-cooled
Asus v8200 Geforce3 Deluxe (260/560) Water-cooled GPU & Ram
Soundblaster Live
Iiyama VM Pro 451
Enermax 530Watt PSU (soon to be water-cooled)
Win 2k DirectX 8.0, nVidia detonator 21.83

This bannding has been present since the first version of the aquarium I had over a year ago. My system has changed completely since then more than once, it was a Pentium based set-up back then. The only things that remain the same or similar are :-

1. SB live
2. All graphics cards have been Geforce based, Asus GF2 GTS, Asus GF3 Deluxe, (2 of them), and also 2x nVidia reference GF3's
3. Two monitors, one a 17" Mitsubish NF the current Iiyama 19" also (Diamondtron NF tube).
4. It's nothing to do with the overclocking or water-cooling, (all recent, tried at default), fsaa is disabled.
5. Win 98SE, Me & 2000 all tried.

I couldn't tell you off hand how many drivers I've tried in that time but this banding has been present with all of them, (over 20).

Like I said before I will soon be getting a Radeon 8500 which if this banding is still present points to it not being a graphics hardware / driver issue. I hope this might help in finding the problem, and if anyone else sees this background banding on their system post with details of any matching hardware.

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