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Old 08-15-2002, 02:26 PM   #28
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Re: Dual pain

Originally posted by Reichart
Supporting Dual monitors is VERY tricky. We are working on both Mac and PC.

Here are the modes:

Multi-Monitor: Meaning 2 or more, of differing resolutions. Each can have completely different images.

Stretched: One video card, multiple monitors, both the same res. This one is annoying.

Cloned (mirrored): Copies what is one, to another. In some cases there are special versions of Cloning where the main monitor is full res, and VIDEO can be displayed at full res while being a window on the main one.

Vertical: Monitors that pivot. They are a sub-section for us of the multiple monitor issue.

Yes, it would be WONDERFUL to have a huge tank, that could be displayed across multiple monitors, and the fish could move from monitor to monitor. And, one day we will do this. But it requires a rebuild of the code. Also, this eats up an AMAZING amount of CPU time.

This product, and product line is constantly growing. We are working VERY hard to improve things for the future, and enable our team to make incremental improvements more easily (like new fish).

We plan to please, but ask for patience.
Multi-Monitor is something you are working on? So 2, 3, ..., n monitors? I am running 4 panels right now, 2 above 2. I am considering adding 2 more for 3 above 3. Will the rewrite take into account the POSITION of multiple monitors? I.e., will I have ground on the 2 monitors that are on top? Or will it built a bigger, virtual aquarium based on the coordinates of the windows extended desktop and display the parts of the aquarium that fall within a physical monitor? FYI, considering the quality of the graphics and program, I would be willing to pay $75-$100 for the program if it had those capabilities and included an appropriate number of simultaneous fish.
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