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Old 09-14-2002, 04:35 PM   #198
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This program is really coming along nicely. Of course I am coming late to the party with comments about it. Sorry about that.

Ok, I'm glad you added the behavior for the Widescreen menu to check "Wide" and enable the 8th fish slot. But clicking the "Wide" checkbox does not display the 8th fish slot. Under what condition would you want the Wide checkbox marked but only the option of selecting 7 fish?

Also there is a little inconsistancy between the Starfish settings panel and the Lighting settings panel. In the Starfish settings panel, clicking OK is really like clicking "Apply" because it does not close the window. In the Lighting panel, clicking OK applies the settings and closes the window. I am not saying it is wrong, only curious about the difference between the two.

I have to ask, does clicking "Close" revert the settings back to the way they were before the window was opened? I am aware that maintaining Undo buffers is a pain, I was just curious.

I would have "Drag and drop fish to the slots on the left" visible at all times.

The minimizing to the System Tray is very nice. I would have a dialogue box come up the first time saying "Fish Picker will now minimize to the system tray." The first time I minimized it, I had to hunt for it before I saw an Addis butterfly in the system tray.

I would be inclined to make it so if you double-click on the Random icon, it sets all 7 (8?) icons to Random.

My first approach to your program is, what can I accomplish without using the menus? Maybe it is a strange approach, but if I were writing this, I would remove all the menus and put "Fish Picker Settings" and "Advanced Settings" buttons. Again, it's just a design I would do, everyone does things differently.

I have to say, you have put an amazing amount of effort into this, especially the cursors/icons. For someone not getting paid, I think you have done a professional job here. And kudos for the thorough Read Me file/documentation.
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Last edited by feldon34; 09-14-2002 at 05:22 PM.
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