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Old 09-14-2002, 06:47 PM   #199
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I would like to thank Morgan and everyone here for the positive feedback you all gave me. It has been a major source of motivation for me to keep developing this program.

Under what condition would you want the Wide checkbox marked but only the option of selecting 7 fish?
You are right about that one, but I use the opposite - Wide unchecked and selecting 8 fish - a lot when running in fullscreen mode. The whole "launch module" is a little out of place since it is not part of the predefined settings, but I wanted it prominently on the main form because it is such a good feature.
Also there is a little inconsistancy between the Starfish settings panel and the Lighting settings panel.
Not really. The way it works for both is that settings are not applied when clicking "OK", but are written to the main form. If the main form is minimized however they are applied immediately. You must have observed this when those 2 conditions were different. Also in this new version text can revert back from red to black when a setting is chosen that matches the current one. In that case it may look like it was applied when in fact it was already there.
does clicking "Close" revert the settings back to the way they were before the window was opened?
No, nothing is changed until you hit "OK" (or double-click in the lighting window). "Close" does just what it says. Maybe "Cancel" might be more appropriate here.
I would have "Drag and drop fish to the slots on the left" visible at all times.
Personally I would find that irritating and the "mouseover" seemed like a good compromise.
The first time I minimized it, I had to hunt for it
I always forget that not everyone has an EMPTY system tray like I have most of the time. I do like your suggestion. I will consider it for the next version.
if you double-click on the Random icon, it sets all 7 (8?) icons to Random
Good idea. And it could work for fishes as well. I was also thinking of making a copy function when you drag from one slot to another.
I would remove all the menus
I agree that frequently accessed items do not belong in menus. The main advantage of menus for me is that they provide an easy way to define shortcut keys in Visual Basic.

Last edited by Mountainmaster; 09-14-2002 at 06:51 PM.
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