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Old 09-28-2002, 08:38 PM   #226
Mountainmaster's Avatar
Join Date: Feb 2002

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Posts: 314
The cycle thing works fine until you bring up the settings window within the serenescreen aquarium
Well, it sort of works like a macro... Right now Fish Picker can not detect if the settings window is already open. I'll try to change that or otherwise put a warning about it in the readme.

James, cjmaddy,
Apparently some beta testers can't get into the beta forum. Maybe Morgan can fix that for you? If you had been there you would have seen my bug report about the Lionfish getting randomized. And did you notice it also happens to the three striped damsel? btw, if you are into serious beta testing I advise you not to use fish picker for changing settings or starting the aquarium. You'd be testing 2 programs that way, which might obscure the results. You can use fish picker's "revert" option however to check the actual registry settings. Keep in mind though that the aquarium beta version keeps its fish settings buffered and only stores them to the registry on exit. I am not quite sure about this, but I seem to remember that the 1.1.2 version stored them at once.
To add a bit to the confusion: when Morgan speaks about v. 0808 he means the same one as me when I say 0806. 0806 is the build date and 0808 the beta release date. Here is a trick I learned from Reichart to check the version nr: Go into the "about" window and click on the TEXT where it says 1.1. That will make the version number appear above the exit button.
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