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Old 10-22-2002, 05:01 PM   #9
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just some guy,

I agreed with your first post.

Your second post is rude and seeks to provoke rather than looking at any facts. Jim is not expending one minute on these other projects like translating the Aquarium into Japanese or German, making a goldfish aquarium, or making a DVD. That is entirely Prolific's deal. They are also working on moving the Aquarium to DirectX 7 code, improving the interface, etc. It seems they're doing what Jim will allow them to do.

If you want to fault Jim for the Freshwater and Saltwater development being at a standstill, fine, but don't distort the truth to improve your argument. I am not closed to debate, but you have to play fair.

{Morgan} agreed with my sentiments or found it hard to disagree, rather.
You are trying to expand the scope of what I agreed to.

If you promise something, deliver. NO ONE, to my memory has started a thread about wanting a DVD - if they did, I missed it.
An announcement that development on something is beginning is not a promise or assurance that such product will ever be released. An announcement that something is in development is just that. The creature pack costs extra anyway, so I am not sure what you are fuming about. The remaining upgrade as part of the $21.95 ($20 for some) is the 3D background and possibly more regular fish. I share your surprise that Prolific has lent no aid to the 3D background project. The idea that artistic integrity can be maintained by Jim being the only voice in the Aquarium is hard to swallow.

THERE ARE HOWEVER, a buttload of comments about how we've been told there would be new creature packages, a freshwater tank, etc. and nothing, nothing, nothing is what we get.
Well, it's been said that you can't rush art. Still, the artist's block Jim is suffering is no different from ones that I have had. When I have my heart in something, I get it done in record time and with the utmost quality. When my heart is not in something, I just cannot get anywhere with it. I don't think there is any shame in Jim admitting that his heart just isn't in the Freshwater Aquarium.

It has been suggested to me a few times that SereneScreen needs 2 products to get the Aquarium into major retail stores that don't just specialize on computers. Can a creature pack+ more fish meet this requirement?

I am so disillusioned with the way you've put your faithful supporters on the back burner. It's gonna bite you in the backside, Jim. Maybe not tomorrow, but eventually. Maybe you just don't give a sheet anymore since you are comfortable with your earnings to date, I dunno. If so, good for you, roll around in the money you've got from us - but remember, SOME of us may not chose to support you anymore when it comes to buying the freshwater tank or DVD or go see your PIXAR production - whatever. After all, it's only a bunch of zeros and ones when you get down to it. Your ones and zeros are in the bank, though. You win.
I am amazed at the sense of entitlement. I would say that the group of supporters who have an emotional attachment to the Aquarium and Jim's work from the Amiga days is a small percentage of the market. We have 1,100 people registered here and another 3,500 people registered at my website. Of those ~75 regularly post messages here. 75 out of 100,000. I'd say the rest of them don't even know that a creature pack or 3D background is coming. They purchased the Aquarium just wanting a pretty picture on their screen.

Jim's speed of development is his business. Is it making the forum and website a dull place? I can't argue that. But what can I say? Jim has not been dishonest with anyone. Except for the 3D background, the Aquarium has delivered on its promise. Anything besides that has been announced or suggested, but no promises have been made. Do you really want to live in a world where developers are afraid to announce anything they are working in fear of the backlash from on-the-fence emotional supporters like yourself?

I am not questioning the value of Jim's core supporters. People come to this forum and find a living breathing community of enthusiasts. I'm sure that drives some sales. I think we are at a crossroads and I don't know where the road will lead. I have offered my abilities and so have many others but so far we have been turned away. So we sit and wait for 1 man to do everything.

As I have said in other threads, I look at Jim's digital paintings with awe. They are stunning. I could never aspire to create the art Jim has. Then I look at the Aquarium and say "That's something I could contribute to." I do want to keep this community alive, but I will confront harsh comments that try to twist the truth. There's plenty in this world to complain about without rewriting things to your own benefit.

Let's try to keep this thread constructive while still expressing our feelings.
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Last edited by feldon34; 10-22-2002 at 05:11 PM.
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