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Old 11-07-2002, 04:13 PM   #74
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diverslung, Very sorry to hear it did not work for you. It surprised me when I first did it, but apparently it is the norm for modern monitors.
I have just looked back at some earlier posts and found one from Socrates, he states .....

" ..... you can easily adjust your monitor to show the wide Aquarium perfectly on a regular monitor. All you have to do is make some adjustments and accept that there will be black bars like in a letterbox film on your TV.
Newer monitors should either have autofit or should have some "resolution memory" so that you can have more than one resolution adjusted to fit perfectly on the screen.
Plus it runs perfectly in a window at the exact right aspect ratio.
Before the Starfish I used the widescreen version exclusively on my normal shaped 19" monitor."

That is just how it works for me.
Lets hope that someone else can come up with a solution, this forum has rarely let me down.
The widescreen version really does look superb when set to the correct proportions.
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