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Old 02-07-2003, 06:36 PM   #17
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Sorry to stick my oar in here, but in my experience anything other than 'Small fonts' (96 dpi) will cause movement of some features in web page design. I don't know if this applies to just the software and features I use, but I have just done a check on my sites, after changing over to 'Large fonts' (120 dpi), just to check if this is still the case. The effect is that button sizes and some text features are misplaced and oversized for the space allocated for them. This first came to light when I started web page design, and I put a note to that effect. (see Site Information, on my site)
I have always understood that it is best, (for other reasons also), to use 'Small fonts' at all times, if possible. But I could be wrong, - I often am! - Feel free to shoot me down if you wish!
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