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Old 03-24-2003, 03:49 PM   #53
Join Date: Mar 2003

Posts: 3
While I understand the cost rationale favors on-line, one goes retail in order to achieve advanced coverage. One "makes it up in volume". It's a little disingenous to quote only the cost side of the equation and not the revenue side.

I, for one, would not have even known this product was available if it hadn't been for CompUSA promoting it. In other words the money you got for my purchase wasn't less than you would have gotten on-line, it was money you got that you wouldn't have gotten period.

Also, the reason one gives an upgrade to the next version within a reasonable time-frame is the concept of continued sales. One doesn't want to impact current sales by having people wait around that last month or so for the next version. I would definitely have waited a couple of weeks if I'd known that the next version wasn't grandfathered.

In fact, except for opened software, virtually any purchase these days is grandfathered for 30 days at the broad majority of retailers. And the reason software isn't grandfathered is because of piracy issues, not content issues.
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