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Old 04-05-2003, 10:02 PM   #52
Join Date: Nov 2001

Posts: 30
MM, I tested it out and cannot replicate the earlier error message! so that's looks good... but I have noticed some strange behavior in this version and in the last version as well, regarding CPU usage... with the cycle settings at one minute and task manager enabled, I noticed after a couple of cycles, the CPU pegs out at 100% and doesn't ever let up... the first one or two cycles appear to be fine... on my slow machine I get 58fps at 50% cpu usage without fish picker... then when fish picker cycles a few times it pegs at 100% and stays... I've even seen behavior that after the aquarium has been closed, fishpicker keeps pegging 100% but I've only seen this a couple of times and do not have a clue what/when causes it... It doesn't seem to matter if the desktop and aquarium res and color settings are the same or different, it happens in both cases

Hey man, even if you don't put another minute into fishpicker you've got a great piece of software and have greatly enhanced MA2 for many of us...I know you work for free so I am not trying to keep you working on it.. just pointing things out as I notice them (I used to work in QA for a now-bankrupted internet company)

Let me know if you need any other help...
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