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Old 04-13-2003, 06:42 PM   #36
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The poll options we have are fine, - I see nothing wrong with them. - I don't see how they can be misinterpreted.

To stick with your analogy, - I don't see anyone standing in the middle of the road. - They have either said yes (with some limitation) or no, I hate them.

Michael appears to be misinterpreting what people are saying, - that is my point!

I think the poll choices are perfectly clear.

I also think the sooner this is all resolved the better, and preferably by NOT allowing any graphics at all. I think the suggestion to limit the text to 3 lines (or 5 small ones) is also an excellent idea. - (I think they should ALL be small!)

Perhaps you would elaborate on your comment, - "... do we allow a double avatar and 3 text fields on the left and keep signatures to text-only?" - As Peter pointed out, - it sounds a good compromise.
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