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Old 04-13-2003, 07:19 PM   #37
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I am not trying to skew results, just trying to make sure that all votes are considered appropriately. If I am looking at something wrong, than I am more than happy to adjust my way of thinking.

I will be honest and say that I do not particularly like animated flashing graphics as a whole. My reasons are two fold, 1) which is personal... is that I must read every post here, no exceptions, to make sure that nothing has been posted that is outside acceptability. If I have to hunt for words then it makes my duty more difficult. But in reality that is the job, so if thats what is prefered, then that is what I will gladly do, no objections. 2) To me, the main reason de etre, for the whole place has always been the screensavers and the information about them contained in the posts. If we allow the information to be overwhelmed by other items then to me that defeats the purpose of the forum.

Now, that being said, I also want the members here to be relaxed and be able to express themselves and have an enjoyable time. That also is a function of any good forum in my opinion, and I hope so far that everyone is benefiting and enjoying the membership and the information both. I would hope this forum is able to maintain a balance between information and community, with the priority leaning towards information. There again, those are my interpretations.

Those things being said, and I hope I got my intentions worded properly, its been a long day......... I do not want to arbitrarily veto your sig, or any others, or graphics in general. I think yours, and the one that Panthera had, showed good taste and judgement and were well done. These and ones like them are not the ones to which I am refering, or are wary of in the long run.

Last edited by Jav400; 04-13-2003 at 10:30 PM.
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