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Old 05-06-2003, 11:33 PM   #7
Join Date: May 2003

Posts: 4

I was and am grateful for the wonderful screensaver. I am not grateful for wasting patience and entertaining false hopes. The wishlist specifically stated it was what Jim had approved to be in the screensaver in a future revision, not what he would like to see. If he doesnt wish to stick to a timetable, fine. But I only live 100 years, and I'm not sure that will be enough. If Jim were to say, "This is all there will ever be and there is no more.", that would be fine and I wouldnt begrudge him. But I would know that I neednt hold out fruitless hopes that I would get my fire shrimp. You must have the person that selected choice 1.

With all the new non-MA software coming out, I have ultimately concluded that there will be no unusual aquaria, features, or backgrounds, save of course for the Lionfish. So be it.
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