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Old 07-21-2003, 11:29 PM   #6
Jim Sachs
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I spoke with Prolific about this about a couple of weeks ago. Neither they nor I have ever been able to reproduce this. There would not seem to be any basis for this to happen, since we just read the clock, not write to it. It's like your wristwatch -- it doesn't slow down no matter how many times a day you look at it. If anyone has any ideas on what could possibly be the problem here, we are open to suggestions.

Here are a couple of possibilities based on the Theory of Relativity:

Maybe he types very close to the speed of light, which would cause the system clock to appear to run slower.

Maybe he is extremely large and dense, generating a very strong gravitational field, which would slow time in his general vicinity.
Jim Sachs
Creator of SereneScreen Aquarium
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