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Old 09-22-2003, 08:16 PM   #282
BlueWinterWaves's Avatar
Join Date: Jun 2002

Posts: 139
Hey, remember me? Just browsing through this place again after a long absence.

Kuhli loaches would be cool, but in order to do justice to them at all, you'd have to really do some behavioral coding. I mean, they don't move anything like a "normal" fish. They squirm like worms, they wiggle like eels, they burrow in the gravel and hide, etc. Would be sort of tough to replicate, I'd think, but it would be neat, all right.

This is what always bothered me a little about the clownfish in the saltwater tank. It doesn't swim anything like the way a real clownfish swims. Are individual fish behaviors still slated for a future upgrade?
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