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Old 09-30-2003, 05:23 PM   #294
Marian Nichols
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Originally posted by Jim Sachs
At the moment I'm in the middle of my annual Catastophic Hardware/Software Failure, where every piece of hardware and software totally fails. My main machine started randomly locking up a couple of weeks ago, and now just gives a DOS General Protection Fault error when it tries to start. So right now I'm on my daughter's Sony Vaio, but the connection is extremely slow. The Send light is constantly on, like a virus has taken over and is always sending. I'm trying to download Norton Internet Security, but the file is huge and I'm stuck at about 1k per second.
Poor Jim, I know you feel like tossing the lot out a ten story window. If we all thought that would solve the problem, I guess we all would have done so by now, LOL Hang in there, takes some deep breath and call it all the four letters words you know of, it won't help, but maybe you can let off some steam. Good luck, Marian
Write paranormal mysteries. Six books so far.
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