Thread: WHEN ?
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Old 10-20-2003, 10:30 AM   #198
Jim Sachs
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I'm not working on the Freshwater Aquarium or anything else at the moment. I'm about to chuck the whole computer out the window. Viruses corrupted some system files, which caused me to re-install XP, and then the problems REALLY started.

Here are just a FEW of the problems:

Though all of my original programs were still there, the new Windows wouldn't recognize them because it didn't consider them "installed". So I began re-installing the ones I still had disks for, but then they need the years of updates that can only be downloaded from the Internet. At 56k, this is days of online time (even if the computer would go that long without rebooting).

The sound card won't work.

Windows recognizes that a printer is connected, and asks for the drivers. When the drivers are installed, it adds another printer to the system, but none of them actually work.

The system shuts down for various reasons with cryptic messages, like "System shutdown caused by NT Authority System".

None of the associations work. For example, when I click on a .dsw file, instead of starting Visual C++, I get a "Not a Win32 application" message. Using "Open with..." does not work.

Viruses are still lurking. Yesterday I found the DLLHOST/SVCHOST worm, and eradicated it. That's an easy one, but who knows what's still in there?

Windows has forgotton all my passwords, and so have I.

Morgan has offered to come out here and try to get the machine back into shape, but he only knows about a few of the issues, which are truly overwhelming. What I've listed here represents maybe 10% of the problems.

So, right now I'm going downstairs and lay some floor tile. I know how to do that.
Jim Sachs
Creator of SereneScreen Aquarium
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