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Old 11-03-2003, 11:46 AM   #9
Mac Development
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Location: Kenai, Alaska
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Apple released 10.2.1 - 10.2.8 after Jaguar. These would be the equivalents of Service Packs. Some are required to support new hardware (10.2.7 was for the G5). Anyone want to make any bets on what the threshold is for getting changes into a 10.2.9 release is? I'd guess it would be something on the order of exploded displays or CDs embeddedin users foreheads.

Apple updated 9 briefly while it was waiting on adoption of 10. However, I seem to recall a big coffin on a WWDC stage with Mr. Jobs talking about 9 being dead. After that Apple has spent time updating 9 only to keep it working with new OS X releases in order to keep from losing customers married to OS 9 -- like educational customers. Apple's DTS engineers have made it clear that bugs filed against 9 are a waste of time.

We could ask owners of iMac 400's with ATI cards about how Apple fixs bugs in abandoned products. It doesn't. Those problems have been a big headache for us and our users but there is nothing we can do about driver level issues. iMac 400 owners didn't get 90 days to upgrade to iMac 400++ free.

This is not to dump on Apple (other than the iMac 400 problem), it is to show the landscape.
Jim O'Connor
Order N Development
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