Thread: multiple fish
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Old 02-09-2004, 06:26 PM   #28
Jim Sachs
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The trip was a bust. No good fish at all.

Jav - I just photograph the fish where it is. As I said, the fish is never any the wiser that its ownership has changed for a few minutes. Hi-res video is best, 'cause you're more likely to get just the right angle eventually. Resolution is no problem if you're zoomed in. Digital video is 720x480, and the texture will only be 128x128 anyway.

Trouble is, these 5 fish are VERY rare, at least in Southern California. Squarespot is the most likely to be found, Red-fin would be impossible. I did see a squarespot at a new store in Riverside, but it was rather scroungy.

Morgan re: fish rental - the money is not the problem, I'll gladly pay $50 to be able to photograph a good-looking specimen under the right lighting conditions.
Jim Sachs
Creator of SereneScreen Aquarium
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