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Old 03-30-2004, 11:03 AM   #67
Jim Sachs
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Tiny - Feeling sorry for people is America's stock-in-trade. We are the Kings of Sorry. Never in the history of the world has a nation felt SO sorry for practically everyone. We spend unimaginable amounts of money developing weapons which cause the least amount of innocent casualties, when we could easily press one button and vaporize the whole problem. We endlessly debate the morality of every action, until the very concept of right and wrong loses all meaning. We go bankrupt feeding, housing, clothing, healing (and even arming) those who would destroy us. Then we mortgage our children's future, and do it some more. Sorry has achieved nothing. Sorry has made us the most hated nation on Earth, and we're sick of it. If Russia or Germany or Sweden want the job of World Cop, they are welcome to it. We'll leave the keys to the Police Cruiser at the doughnut shop.
Jim Sachs
Creator of SereneScreen Aquarium
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