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Old 04-01-2004, 01:01 PM   #1
Join Date: Apr 2003

Location: Australia
Posts: 118
Triple buffering

I think triple buffering would be a very good idea for the MA (and the GA).

It can't use much texture memory, and it's a shame with cards with 128 and 256 mb of RAM that still only maybe 1/3 of games come with triple buffering as an option. It's just lazy programming really (more games seem to turn vsync off by default instead).

Obviously without triple buffering and vsync enabled, you're locked to some integer fraction of the refresh rate. So for 60 Hz, you'll get 60, 30, 20, 15 etc.

So if you're actually able to render at 50 fps, you'll only see 30 fps with vsync on (and vsync should only really be turned off for benchmaring). With triple buffering, you'll see all 50 fps.

This also eliminates the possible CPU usage problems that vsync creates.

I know it's as simple in Direct Draw as making the backbuffer count 2, probably just as easy in Direct3D.
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