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Old 08-17-2001, 01:02 PM   #397
Jim Sachs
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Re: How about a change of scenery?....

I am hoping not to have the Aquarium balloon into a bunch of separate files. You wouldn't believe the customer service involved with just one simple executable file. The majority of Aquarium users are not computer-savvy at all, and often many back-and-forth emails are required just to tell them how to drag the file to a different folder. There are 4 million copies of the Demo version out there, so if just 1 persion in 1000 has a problem, that's 4000 emails.

Already, the current graphics load will not allow 4-meg cards to run at the Aquarium's native resolution of 1024x768 (they switch to a barely-acceptable 800x600). If a background pic were added, these machines probably wouldn't run the Aquarium at all, spawning many thousands of complaints.

So, the short answer is that background pics are not likely in the near future.
Jim Sachs
Creator of SereneScreen Aquarium
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