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Old 08-16-2004, 10:52 PM   #6
Mac Development
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Location: Kenai, Alaska
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Hi all,

My 2x2Gig G5 is running 10.3.5 and isn't having any freezing problems with Goldfish or Marine Aquarium. I'm interested in any information you can give to help us find this (which is why Tech Support wasn't any help, we have no leads on what you are seeing and we don't get these reports often so we can't find a common thread). Generally speaking, we can't crash the system. We can crash the screen saver application, which causes the normal desktop to reappear (fixed one of these in Goldfish a couple days ago), but it _SHOULD_ be impossible for us to hang the system.

If you have any hints to how this is happening then please let us know.

Jim O'Connor
Jim O'Connor
Order N Development
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