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Old 09-26-2004, 06:07 PM   #1176
Join Date: Sep 2004

Location: New York, New York
Posts: 2
Spreading the sweat making MA

Re: I know that people have grand expectations for this simulation, and I'll do my best. But before asking for the moon, take a look at all the state-of-the-art programs that huge teams of programmers and artists have ever produced, even with multi-million-dollar budgets. I think the Aquarium stacks up pretty well even in it's current form. Each of the hundreds of daily requests could take a whole career to fully pursue, and I have to walk a fine line of maximum effect for minimum effort, or I'll never get it done.


I much appreciate MA's unsung creators' efforts!
I know this question will show my ignorance at programming, but is there anyway that the labor for Marine Aquarium can be divvied up to fans via some kind of MA programmers kit if one wanted to create a new fish or plant or whatever from scratch and can contribute that work to MA. Even a partially created work would at least take a lot of the creator's time and grindstone out of perfecting MA. I think Linux is open-sourced in this user-contribution way, yes? Isn't SETI work-distributed too among thousands of users? You're the mavens!

One more thing; one of my tutees with relatives working at the Baltimore Marine Science center/Aquarium there says that programs as yours would gladly receive endorsements from major aquariums and marine institutions and that you shouldn't be shy asking. They appreciate great work relating their field, especially in a public education way. Makes great PR (sales) too!

Keep up the great work!

James Greenidge
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