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Old 09-19-2001, 08:55 AM   #8

Posts: n/a
3Dfx and Windows XP

I'm pretty sure that this won't help any of you with dual Voodoo2 SLI setups, but there is hope out there for Voodoo3 users.

Whilst the Voodoo3 drivers which come with WinXP don't have Glide or OpenGL support, there are some independent driver producers out there who have come up with a set which do. You can get them from

I've tried them out on the final (build 2600) version of XP and they are pretty stable and have worked fine with a range of games using Glide and OpenGL (Unreal Tournament, Max Payne, Homeworld, Undying, Revolt). The only problems have been when alt-tabbing out of and back into older games such as Revolt which have ended up with a lock-up or Blue Screen of Death.

Hope this helps you all

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